Watch Out

Jun 03, 2008 22:21

I am writing this as an impending storm is looming, the rain is coming down hard and they are talking tornados and hail. Storms don't bother me any, but I am only concerned for my 4 legged friends outside. At this point we have only 3 stalls, but 5 horses which means that 2 of our babies have to ride it out from the outside under the overhang. One of them is under cover where she should be, but as of the last time I ventured out, Chip was nowhere to be found. This only worries me because horses are such good conductors of electricity because of the high water content in their bodies. Skip is freaking out and he is outside taking pictures of lightning.
I waitressing today and who happened to come in for lunch but Chris, the Clinton County Regional Planning Commission Director. I haven't talked to him in quite a while, but he was so nice. We talked a little and he wants me to do 3 grants over the summer. I'm a little nervous, because he intimidates me. He is super nice, but he is so damn smart!! I am so glad he was the one who got that position instead of me. I would have no clue on how to do the things that he has accomplished in such a short time. The good news is that I will get a few more bucks if I get these grants done. I got 3 large for the last one and I don't even know if we are going to win it. It would be great if I could get 5G this summer from that job, which would put my annual income about where it should be.
Skip and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary yesterday. We went our to dinner at our local Mexican Restaurant, then we went to see 'Sex in the City' which I found to be quite enjoyable. When we got home we opened our last bottle of 'Skip and Lisa' Reisling. I ended up falling asleep on the couch and Skip didn't want to wake me up (which usually results in a big fight). He said that he slept on the loveseat so that we would at least be sleeping in the same room. The man can't sleep alone to save his life.
It has been a really tough couple of years in our relationship. He asked me if I was looking forward to the next year and I honestly said that I didn't want another year like the last two. Sometimes I feel like I just don't love him at all. What I need to focus on is that it's not that I don't love him but instead that I am not being treated fairly in this relationship.
This year will be the true test. Skip knows that he has to pick it up a notch. He absolutely has to get a job and continue to do well in school, finishing the incompletes he took at the end of this semester. (More on that in a separate journal).
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