Dec 26, 2007 19:22
After a rather normal Christmas Celebration, save for the power going out several hours before my Grandma's party but being turned on 20 minutes after we spent an hour getting the generator running, we spent Christmas day running from Skip's grandma's on his mom's side and then off to his Dad's side in Fayetteville. We were having a lot of fun. His dad's side is pretty laid back. After everyone left with exception to Kelly, Jason, their kids, Skip, Jerry and me, we started playing Karaoke Gutiar Revolution. We were drinking and having a great time. Kelly had brought her dog and we brought ours along with Ava and Schultz, they were all having a good time. We stayed up really late.
In the morning, we came down and Jerry had already left to go to work. Dutchie was just laying around like she usually does. Jerry came back to cook us brunch and we he said that Dutchie had run off for a while and when she came back she was limping. Upon closer investigation we realized that it didn't see broken or swollen. Then Skip put his hand across a small spot that looked like it was wet, but when he pulled his hand away it had blood on it. At that point we pretty much realized that she had been shot so we called the vet to get her an appointment.
She was very alert and for a while was able to stand and move around, but then her legs gave out in the back and she wasn't able to get up. We carried her to the vet. Skip was crying because we were nearly certain that we would have to put her down. She is 14 and has heartworms which she can't be treated for because the medication for it is too harsh for her body.
We took her in and the vet x-rayed her. She was shot in the hip with a 22. The bullet is resting at her hip joint and did not break or harm any of the bones in the vicinity. We also discovered that this was not the first time that she had been shot as she had buck shot in other various parts of her rump.
So the vet decided that we should wait and see what happens. He really thinks that she will be fine and that the wound should heal and not affect her walking. We have to carry her outside for now, but we are hoping that she will feel better in a few days. If there is no improvement we are going to take her back and see if we can get the bullet out. However if we have to do this we run the risk of losing her because of her heart condition.
Anyway, we don't know who did this, but I think that Skip is going to try to find out.
Besides that,Christmas was pretty good. I already feel the impending doom of going back to work and I am hoping that I can get everything that I need to accomplished.
We are possibly going up to Michigan for New Years which could be very fun.