1. Name: Marley aka Melanie
2. Age (Optional): 14 going on 15
3. Location: Vermont
4. Favorite Character (& maybe an explanation of Why.): Kathryn. She is a bitch and she is brilliant. And most people I know will say she cry's at the end due to her wrecked reputation. But, as a writer, I love to recognize things between the lines. If you are like me you may have seen that she actually possessed love for Sebastian. She cry's due to the fact that she has to read all this stuff he wrote about her, and it would be a painful experience. And some people agree when I say that she turned Sebastian down because she was worried that he only wanted her for sex. I was able to see love from both of them for each other. And it ended in an awful place. But I truly believe Sebastian was only able to leave her at the end because she gave him a reason too. In the original script she says "Don't get me wrong, I'm flattered that you chose me over her, but please understand, I never loved you, Sebastian." And while I don't believe she doesn't love him, I believe that he would only leave with the thought that he would never get her. Yes, I am a VERY hardcore Kathryn and Sebastian shipper. And I find Anette obnoxious and I don;t believe that Sebastian loved her.
5. Favorite Scene from the movie: The Bet, Where Kathryn teases him and then tells him "down, boy" and Kathryn and Sebastian's final scene. Their final scene is not a high note. It is not happy. It does not make me happy, but it is important. And provides a lot for character analysis.
6. Absolute FAVORITE quote from the movie: "You know nothing. You don't even know me! The fact of the matter is, there is someone I love. You don't even compare to her." - Sebastian to Anette
And if you want to see the original script, it is here: