To follow in the vein of Bex and Dani I’ve decided that seeing I have a MySpace now I don’t have time for this anymore. I’ve had many insights lately and this one has been loitering for a week now. I’ve gotten to a stage where I’d rather invest my time talking to people as opposed to talking about them and my experiences.
My deepest thoughts belong in my personal diary, not here. My MySpace at will be where you can now keep in touch with me. Otherwise most of you I see all the time anyway.
So Alex, Amanda, Chanda, d3rang3d1, Jaime, Jennifer (And I spose Sarina, as she occassionally posts under your name.. about cockroaches and the like lol), Kiera, Mads, Nadia, Vicki and Zinzi. I know you all apart from my two friends abroad Chanda and d3rang3d1.. In which case I hope you'll MySpace me. And Jennifer from Adelaide, I don't know if you have MySpace but def add me if you do.
Ok guys I'm off!
Sara x