
Apr 05, 2006 17:46

So as i wind down school for the next five weeks it has been brought to my attention that I have way too many assignments and exams and I may just very well drive my car off a bridge. Sigh. If only.

So this is what I'm up against:

4/7: 2 page essay question answer about the 1929 film "All Quiet On the Western Front"
Two Chapters out of my gay ass college skills book (eff that class)

4/19: Public Speaking Speech "Informative or process speech" which has to have three sources, an outline, and a hard copy of the speech

4/24: Public Speaking Speech "Persuasive Speech" three sources, puline, hard copy

4/24: Powerpoint Career Portfolio containing 15-20 slides
Powerpoint presentation on my paper "Methods of Mass Extermination used in the Holocaust (This might be interesting bc i can show gruesome photos, even though I feel deeply about the Holocaust)

4/30: 350 Math problems due

5/2: 34 chapter excercises for speech
3 speech evaluations for speech
4 Western History quizes
3 extra credit films for History

5/3: Speech Exam 10:30 am to 12:20 pm
Math Exam 1:00pm to 3:00 pm

5/8: History 102 exam 11:30am to 1:30pm

Oh. My. God. Just typing all of that is helping me fall deeper into my irreversible depression and feeling of hopelessness. I will be so glad when I am done with school and can get my job at the MFA Boston in the Visual Archives Department.

On a possitive note, I am applying for a substitute teaching postition through the local school district. If I get it I will be so psyched. (who says that anymore...)

ALSO!!!! I finished typing and posted chapter six of HPBM and I am working on chapter seven and will hopefully have it up soon.

And I found the best site ever called the Urban Dictionary and so I am going to periodically post definitions of the day for all to enjoy.  (

Definition of the Day:

Barrel Full of Smashed Assholes:

n. Theoretically, an awful thing. Quite literally though, a barrel, containing any number of assholes that have been previously smashed.

Oh no, holy shit! That girl who just came in the bar - she is uglier than a barrel full of smashed assholes!
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