Instead of studying for Latin I watched
BELPHEGOR: LE FANTOME DU LOUVRE Best thing about watching this movie was me shouting LE FANTOOOOOME!!!!! every 30 seconds. So much fun. Really, I don't need entertainment from outside sources. As long as I can yell things and burst into maniacal laughter over and over again...
I also had fun being a nerd, shouting "Hey! It's the Nike of Samothrace!" My family says, uh what? Someday I'll go there and see things. Not that I have any spiritual connection to the Nike of Samothrace, but it is easily recognizable. Especially with a dark-robed mummy figure gliding past... Hehe. Showcasing my status as stupid nerd by also recognizing Venus de Milo (okay, obviously that isn't obscure at all and doesn't require nerd status for recognition. And Nike isn't obscure either.) and the first thing that pops into my head is "Aphrodite of Melos!" *hits self.*
My family probably thinks I'm just showing off my education. And maybe I am, a bit. Haha. But really I've taken one art history course. I know nothing. While I liked the subject matter in theory, I hated the actual class. Apparently I got something out of it, but I'll hazard a guess that my outbursts are exam preparation continuing to leak out even a week after the exam. I just don't think before I speak, ever. Unless I think too much and say nothing.
The major breakthrough I had with BELPHEGOR was I actually liked Julie Christie in this movie. That has never ever happened before. Granted, I haven't watched every Julie Christie movie ever made, but when she's young and blond and 60s... For example, Dr. Zhivago. What can I say. I guess that story breeds melodrama, but Julie Christie really annoyed me as Lara. Ugh. (Obviously I hated Kiera Knightley's Lara as well. I didn't like either of them. But they chose actors with suitably surreal and unsettling eyes for Yuri in both. Ah, Omar Sharif.)
Digressions aside, in LE FANTOOOME Julie Christie was old, speaking cute English/French, an archaeologist, and so sexy. I loved her, despite or because of her bizarrely coquettish air with all the middle-aged museum officials. She had fantastic hair, perfect glasses, and great suits. There's a woman who looks great in a lab coat. I want to BE her character when I'm 60.
All this to say, a cheesy French horror/thriller/whatever it was has caused me to have a change of heart about Julie Christie. In case you cared.
My French is really going downhill again. It astounds me how bad my accent is now; it was never ever good at all, but last year when I was taking French and speaking it fairly frequently, it got a bit better. And now it is worse again. Also my understanding, but in a movie about LE FANTOOOOME, it's not too difficult to figure out what is happening. So bad. But so fantastically entertaining. FANTOOOOME.
The other day I spent a chunk of time searching through my French dictionaries and then the internet for the word "mirliton." As in Danse des Mirlitons from the Nutcracker, or something. My Petit Robert gave me a definition that sounded a lot like a kazoo, but surely not? So I kept going. Babelfish gave me a curt "eunuch flute." Eunuch flute? Wikipedia gave me a treatise on the subject, and I was satisfied. But Eunuch flute? Dance of the Reed Pipes. That's all I needed to know.
Earlier I was talking half to my mom and half to myself about how satisfying it is to conjugate some Latin verbs, which is totally crazy, but true. I started reciting habitabo, habitabis, habitabit, habitabimus, habitabitis, habitabunt, and being generally insane. I am generally insane. My Latin professor gets a huge grin on her face whenever she says tango tangere tetigi tactum. I particularly like shouting VERBERABILISSIME at random intervals in my life. Try it. It's a great word.
I want to run around talking about bellum bellum because I'm fascinated that a word for beautiful and a word for war can be spelled exactly the same way.
But I maintain that the stupidest sounding (classical) Latin word is prouincia.