Unexpected Heroes

Jan 18, 2023 19:55

 9 days ago we had to evacuate our home in Northern California due to flooding. Our street was actually shown on Good Morning America. We had been packed since Friday, so last minute things unplugging the last power cords, etc -, and we were ready to go.

https://www.ksbw.com/article/dozens-of-people-rescued-as-pacheco-creek-flooded-north-san-benito-county/42447733 shows out street/neighborhood

We got notification from my son-in-law's boss (County employee) it was coming down. A few minutes later, he called and said get out as the dam near us had overflowed. Normally it's about 7ft but was cresting at 23ft

The field behind us, where cows normally graze looked like a fast moving river as did the lower dirt road on the other side of the fence that lines our lane. Between the 2-3 minutes between the two phone calls, water was covering the back corners of our yard.

My step grandson got home -doing 70 plus he later admitted-and we were out in less than 15 minutes. Water in the front yard was above our ankles in a few spots and higher in most. It felt like forever. And yes, I admit we could have been better with leaving. Lesson learned.

As we were leaving, the Sheriff's Deputy was checking homes and other deputies were setting up barriers in front of the turn off to our lane.

It was terrifying going through this.

We were lucky.

Our home sets high on a crawl space. The only room that has flooding is the converted garage. The two story next to us  moved stuff upstairs but there are mounds of stuff in the front yard they are working through. The field behind us is full of stuff - clothes, full trash bags, etc.

Getting to come home today... I can't describe the relief of little to no damage, the sheer disbelief of the road conditions and the lost memories, and the joy of getting to sleep in my own bed.

Now the heroes. First the officers who not only manned the barriers but had to go in by boat to rescue people closer to the dam who could not get out in time. Once again there are three people who race into danger: Law Officers, Fireman and the Military. Yes, I do capitalize.

Officers and rescue people, including those went into flood waters to rescue large animals, THANK YOU. It's not enough but my family is forever grateful.

You have to realize this is an agricultural area and low on the income level.

To my daughter's friends who live in a small 2 bedroom apt with a set of twins that made room for us to sleep and fed us after we couldn't afford the motel after 6 days, and then argued against us helping with groceries.

My son-in-law's brother who was out of town but took in 3 of us as soon as he could.

My grandson's friend whose parents took him when when they realized how small the apartment was.

The teachers at the high school who gave my daughter a gift card and apologized because they couldn't do more.

The manager at the McDonald's where one of the grand kid's work who gave us 10 cards for free meals.

Employers who gave people time off without penalties to deal with this crisis.

How in the world do you thank these people who stepped up to help simply because they wanted to.

I am so grateful for each and every one one of you.

Thank you isn't enough and never will be.



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