
Nov 03, 2003 19:59

Rant: ready, set, GO.

The National Enquirer is a long standing publication (more than 30 years) dedicated to giving the American people all the juicy, shocking, and informational news that they want to read.

Or say they would say.

In reality, The National Enquirer is a money-making machine owned by the trustworthy sounding company American Media dedicated to selling cheap, fabricated, and on the verge of illegal stories to people who have no life, and have nothing better to do with their current one than waste it reading obviously joke "news" about celebrities.

And, believe it or not, The National Enquirer is one of the better tabloids.

There are some (I can't find or remember the names of any of them now) that have articles about some of the worst topics, for example, the headline of a supermarket tabloid today: "Osama Bin Laden and Sadam Hussein got married and had one alien baby and one hairless ape!", no joke. What a world.. I just can't understand WHY someone would buy this except to laugh at it, except.. it's not even funny.

It's obvious that the writers and publishers of this crap have no shame whatsoever. They have to be somewhat intelligent to write it, so they are of course in it for the money, not the intellectual stimulation. And the saddest thing is that they actually do make money from this.

I have read tabloids, the worst and the best of the worst, at Wal-Mart (quite the irony), and they made me physically sick. They are so dumbing, and I'm surprised that anyone that reads them isn't dead by now, because I know they should be.

"The National Enquirer".. even the title is laughable. It doesn't enquire, I doubt any of the the articles in there have been researched, or even thought about for that matter. And if they do research, it's not research, it's poking, prodding, and invading the privacy of famous entertainers.

In conclusion, I suggest just putting down the tabloids and read something good, or, better yet, if you're a person who actually reads tabloids, kill yourself, it would make the world a better place.
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