Jul 15, 2005 04:44
hmmmmm...lots been going on...pretty much alot of nothing haha..karen,practice(when we have been able to),trying to find a new keyboard player which i think i may have layed my hands on an idea,watching alot of moovies and eating alot of food.ive missed alot of my friends lately..maegan,jebikah...we used to talk soo much..i had fun today with maegan and karen..i dyed my hair back to black again and its growing out pretty fast.so im happy about that i cant wait till its bakc to where it was before.i miss it soo bad.ive been thinking alot actually probably a little too much considering all the nightmares ive been having and horrific scenarios that constantly run through my head...i dotn know where it comes from but i guess since i dont have so much to worry about anymore that i dont have a whole lot to think about so i think about the worst case scenario contantly...damn bored thinking.hmm everythings been running pretty smoothly im happy im steady...thats about all..i love and miss you karen.eveyrone take care and remember my last words "im on drugs" i mean" i dig music" IM ON DRUGS"
too much almost famous. im out.