Jun 20, 2006 22:31
I thought assisting in Driving/travels for transporting would be easy. Well its not for me, I ahve high anxiety, and it was apparent today. I thought I was going to have aheart attack three tines, and got a huge headache in direct result of that. But I have to pay Calvin back so I ahve to finish this weeks runs. Maybe by the end of the week I will think I can do this for the time being. If not I will have to look for a job most likely in Goshen.
I'm tyring to find training courses iN Goddman Indiana and I'm getting nothing but colleges, no programs just for training and certifaction. Uhhhhhgghggghhggg
I just wnat to get two/three months worth of money and get the fuck out of here. All I need to do is find a roomate in Seattle and then but aplane ticket and I'm off like a whores nylons. I can find a job out there, I can apply to phlabotomy classes out there, beauty schools out there, I can be a waitress, a anything I just need to get out there.
Did I tell you about this rad car I saw? 74 Vega, 1000 dollars, runs well , not to many miles on i, interioir a little eeeeeehhhhh. But nothing thta will kill me, uuuuhhhhhh what the hell am I suppose to do, I just wnat to go, but I need to stay, I need to just get a job I can work 40 hours, get money, and do nothing but that for a month and a half.
I don't wnat to go on this run, I returned early this evenig around 7, and the were suppose to leave out around 2:30 go to bowlinggreene, kentrucky, drop of a trailer for motor cycles, and the hook one up and go to irvine texas.