AllThingsFandom Fandom Friday: Crushes

Oct 02, 2015 01:39

It's apparently talk about my crushes day on my LJ. Not that it's a bad thing. :P

[Spoiler (click to open)]
My Fandom Crushes
#1. Harvey Specter (Suits)

He's a lot nicer than my usual type, but he still fits my type pretty well. Attractive, arrogant, sassy, and a little bit of an asshole. LOL. I just really enjoy him, and since I've only just started the show, I'm looking forward to learning more about his backstory.

#2. Frank Underwood (House of Cards)

I love this man. He's horrible, and he gives no fucks. His little narrations are always so great. He's blunt enough to people's faces, but he really lets off in his asides to the camera, and I love it. He makes me laugh a bit more than he probably should. All in all, I just love Frank. :P

#3. Jareth (Labyrinth)

I usually don't go so deep for fictional characters that I wish they were real...but I so wish Jareth were real, I could wish myself away to him, and become his Queen. It'd be amazing. I just love him so much. XD

-Optional Bonus-


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