omgsh. i know this post is incredibly late, but (as if you haven't noticed) i've been super lazy with posting this term. i wonder why? haha, maybe with all the other snazzy features that my macbook is equipped with, i have been distracted. perhaps my preoccupation with the iLife suite, blogging no longer presents itself as an attractive procrastinating pastime. lol.
ANYWAY, late or not, i cannot pass up the opportunity to publicly announce my joy and excitement for their engagement and upcoming wedding! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
the best part of their engagement is that i, along with katie and benita, got to see the whole proposal! heeeheheheheheheheh!
so here's the story:
us four girls were dining at la mexicana when mark, with a single rose in hand, walked in and crashed our dinner. i wish i could've been in mark's shoes so that i could see our puzzled and confused faces. we were definitely not expecting him. i had this wee suspicion that mark might have trekked all the way out to propose, but i thought it was too early for an engagement because both mark and sue still plan on pursuing graduate studies. however, when the words, "suzanne, could you come here, please?" left his mouth, i started oh-my-goshing. those oh-my-goshes escalated when he pulled out a tiny box out of his pocket.
then the crazy chaos, that is girls' fanatic behaviour concerning wedding stuff, ensued. lol. i just remember me alternating between oh-my-goshes and silly giggles and benita's arms flailing. i had to yell at her to get her camera (sorry, benita!). haha, oh, what a scene we must've made.
so mark made his flowery speech, sue said, "yes," and katie, benita, and i clapped.
i was so overjoyed with the whole evening that you'd think it was i who had just gotten engaged or something. i guess i'm so ecstatic because sue's my first close girlfriend who's engaged, and i got to be present for the proposal. :) i can't wait for the wedding (tentatively, summer '09, sue tells me). i know it's going to be awesome, especially because we're all going to be celebrating the union of two people who know what it means to work through differences. in a time where people are driven by needs to gratify the self, their commitment to the relationship and each other is a beautiful thing. :)
so, once again, congratulations! i am so happy for you two. :)