∞ 03 06 ∞

Nov 26, 2008 11:52

[the captain remains MIA, though if you listen closely, the tenor of the ship's engines has changed slightly. there's a grating whine to them, agitated and strained, enough to make one wonder what exactly may be wrong. it's not like the ship could be failing, right? it's lived through explosions for a week, so it has to be tough. of course.

if you happen to stop by the Enviro-dome, the weather has at last solidified into real winter. the storms continue sporadically and, after a spark and an annoyed whir of mechanics, the door to the dome has now jammed open indefinitely, letting out snow and...other things.

live animals wander out now and then, species typical to a forest in winter. too bad the captain isn't around to explain why or how, but it's a good thing there happens to be live game that isn't fake.

around midday, the ship shudders, the whine of the engines flares louder for a second, and all stores abruptly stop restocking meats. in fact, all meats, from fresh cut to dried, are gone, all at once.

how curious]

    Funny how a replicated environment suddenly has animals, no? Will wonders never cease? Either way, it's a good thing. If passengers want their protein they may have to resort to tracking down and yes, killing their food. The Enviro-dome is now a veritable Winter Wonderland and comes with a variety of beast, fish, and fowl for your consumption! Which does indeed include Turkey. Happy Thanksgiving from the Crucible! If you'd like a list of what exactly is available, a search on wildlife of the Pacific Northwest of the US will yield the most common results. ...we'll ignore the fact that most American Turkey species aren't native to that region but this is the Crucible, people. It doesn't play by the rules.

    As for the disappearance of meat, all characters that stored or refrigerated their own foods will still have them until those reserves run out, and the stores will stock other animal products such as milk, cheese, and eggs. Meat substitutes are also available - tofu burgers, anyone? - if characters can stomach them. All previous conditions of the ship, from the half-repaired hallways to the broken transporter pads to the useless restaurants, remain in effect until further notice.

    But what's this about 'Plot Organization'? Well ladies and gentleman, the the final plot of this cycle is getting ever closer, so the game's next plot is going to require a little planning beforehand.

    Starting Saturday at midnight, a CHILD PLOT will begin! The main event - but not the sole event - will be the reversion of characters to their childhood. This will affect ALL CHARACTERS, barring players asking me to have their characters excluded from this plot. Some specifics, in handy list fashion.

    • Human characters will revert to ages roughly between seven and eleven.
    • Nonhuman characters who were once human that had a childhood will revert to their human selves at ages roughly between seven and eleven.
    • Nonhuman characters who have animal and human forms have the option of choosing between child forms in the ages specified above, or the child version of their animal forms, i.e. kittens, puppies, etc.
    • Nonhuman characters who never had a childhood, such as Nobodies, clones, robots, gods, and so on, will take child-like forms of their current selves.
    • Characters that are already children...are still children.

    As the conditions of this plot change, what characters remember their adult selves and how long they remain children will vary. These details will be released on Saturday, but what I can tell you know is that for the first portion the reversions will happen in stages. As in, not EVERYONE will revert all at the same time. To this end, this post will serve two purposes.

    First, players who would like their characters excluded from this plot, please post a comment with "Exclusion" in the subject line and let me know which characters you are requesting not be included in this plot.

    Second, all other players are to comment to this entry with their character names and journals and over the next couple days, until the official plot announcement, they will be assigned a Group Number, either 1, 2, or 3, signifying in which group they are placed and when they will be affected by this plot. This will be decided by AIM dice, except in the event where one group is getting too large, in which case it will be removed from the rotation until the other groups catch up. Please do not ask to have a re-roll; once fate has decided, that is that. :(

    Again, these details are only the bare bones of what will be happening; the entirety of the plot will be revealed on Saturday! But if you have any questions on what is currently known about what will be happening, feel free to ask them here! After commenting with your characters, of course.

    Thereh ave been a few drops and new characters, so I would suggest players stop by the Friends Remove and Add to update their lists. :D

plot; put in their place, captain ganymede

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