[around midday, Command Orion appears on the Sphere network, addressing the ship at large. he looks better than he did before, less pale and more alert, though his expression is grim and serious. he may have a five o'clock shadow and he may be borrowing Riku's clothes, but he looks ready for anything]
Everyone, we need to start looking for the backup command consoles. If you haven't been briefed, I can fill you in on the basic plan. There should be enough scanners for all of you to use, but if any of you need one, please speak to the Doctor. He should be able to build one for you.
Doctor, if you need anything else from me, let me know right away.
The captain hasn't sent security after us just yet, but we don't want to do anything that will attract his notice. I would advise that all of you move as quickly and quietly as possible. If you find a console that might be the one we're looking for, contact me over the network immediately. I will rendezvous with you at that location to test the console. If we can find the correct one, I will use to it to take control of the ship away from the bridge.
[pauses, and then salutes] Good luck.
Alright folks, this is it! Contrary to what Orion believes, there is only one backup command console. It's location can be anywhere throughout the ship, as anything: a regular console, a wall, a lounge sofa. The goal behind this event is to find it and to find it as quickly as possible. The sooner you find it, the better it will be for everyone. If you take too long, or don't find it at all...well, let's hope that doesn't happen.
What are the clues to finding the console? Simple: it is in a location that has been significant in the past. My suggestion would be to go through all the old mod post and decide for yourselves which significant location seems the most likely. It has been used in a past plot, so if you find yourself stumped, just look over the community! If you find a location that you think fits the bill, please post the location in an entry with the label [Mutiny] somewhere in the subject line. Your character will basically need to contact Orion in that post so that he can come and check the location personally. I will comment to all entries with the label as quickly as I can so that all of you will know when a location has either turned up nothing or when it is in fact the one you're looking for.
Scanners are available for all characters if they need them, but all they do is indicate computer activity within a wall or item; that does not mean that is the command console. It could be some other console for some other purpose, but if you would like to use the scanner as a trigger for a location, that's just fine! The location does not necessarily have to have a visible computer to be significant, so the scanner is the way for you to indicate one for plot purposes. An example: Riku has a scanner, and it goes off inside the brig, which was a significant plot area earlier in the game. Orion goes to that location to check for a hidden console. He may or may not find anything, but that's the basic idea. Anywhere that a plot has happened or has been concentrated around can be a possible location, in addition to panels that the captain has used before. You get as many tries as you like, so just post an entry - or log! - labeled in the subject line and Orion will come and check it out!
You have until next Friday to find the command console. If the characters fail to find it, the plot will proceed in a certain direction automatically. If they do find it, it will proceed in a different direction. So where we go from here is up to all of you! ;D
The ship is still in lockdown, so moving between levels is quite difficult. In addition, the shifts in reality happening on the ship are getting worse. The changes are now taking over whole levels at a time. It may be raining throughout the shopping level; the enviro-dome might be a huge swamp filled with toxic gasses. The basic structure of the ship is intact; there are steel walls, doors, and so on, but plants might spring up among them, or bursts of lightning. This means that some sections of the ship are extremely dangerous; if the Economy or Kepler levels were to suddenly become filled with sand or a swarm of locust, that could be very bad for everyone involved. These events can happen at your discretion, but unlike the random changes plots before this, I will also post in the ooc come to indicate when a particularly dangerous change has occurred. Just to make things a little more exciting. ;D Thankfully, all of these are still temporary, lasting anywhere from two minutes to two hours (for my posts, the two hours will pass in real time and I will make a second post indicating when it is gone). So stay sharp!
When the correct console is found, I will indicate as much in my comment, and it will be followed with a mod post in the main community detailing what happens afterward. So if you're the one who finds the location, please don't reply to Orion if he says it's the right console! What happens next will be in the main comm.
That should be everything, so if you have any questions about the event or the state of the ship, please ask them here! If you need to speak with Orion, either about the search for the consoles or anything else, address him in an entry and he will respond!