Stalkers are twats. A cautionary tale from cruciatus_x.
skiesfirepaved is stalking cruciatus_xskiesfirepaved's REAL name :Hudson Godbearskiesfirepaved's REAL DOB :01st May 1981Height :164 cmWeight : 43.0 kgskiesfirepaved has dreamt about you : 9 times skiesfirepaved became interested in you : 10th May 2006skiesfirepaved's latest dream about you skiesfirepaved dreamt that you had got married to another person. skiesfirepaved produced a shotgun at the ceremony, blowing off your partners head before they could complete their vows with a close-range shot.This is how skiesfirepaved describes your relationship behind your back 'cruciatus_x phoned the police on me again last night. I'm going to go around tonight and finish her off with my hunting knife.'skiesfirepaved's been stealing stuff from your house too. skiesfirepaved wouldn't admit to it, but they were responsible for the sudden disappearence of cruciatus_x's wristwatchThey've even started modifying their body for you skiesfirepaved has cruciatus_x tattooed right across their chest.They sent the following message to you in a Valentines Hug me. Kiss me. Fuck me.
The Police No. calls to the police : 10 timesYour Last Call to The Police "Look, could you send a squad car over? It's just that there is this person outside my house rumaging through my garbage and they've been doing it every night for the past month. They seem to have some weird obsession over me. Please hurry. I think they've just found one of my bank statements as they've just ran off again."skiesfirepaved's Police File skiesfirepaved seems to have changed their ways in the past couple of years. Our only complaints are that it refuses to wash. You should have smelt their fucking cell after they were released. One of our wardens nearly died of shock.
Testimonies about skiesfirepaved
alabastard - Ex-priest
'It just goes to show that the world is full of sick, twisted perverts. I'm gonna fucking kill skiesfirepaved!'
possessedrabbit - Slap-happy
'skiesfirepaved's obsession with breastfeeding should have acted as an insight into their warped mind. I can't believe I overlooked it for so long. Jesus.'
jin_champloo - O'Vomit-a-lot
'Neurotic, depressing and royally fucked up are only three of the possible phrases I could use to describe both skiesfirepaved and cruciatus_x. Chances are cruciatus_x's just made all of this shit up again.'