Well, work still sucks. They now have only two days left to get the weekend rota up for this month. I've requested this weekend off since Tracey, Neimah and I are off to see The Lady Boys of Bangkok as part of the Fringe Festival on Sunday. If they turn round and say at 4 on Friday that I need to work the weekend I may loose my head at them. The damn thing should have been up two weeks ago! I also wanted a weekend off so I could go visit
davechicken, and I've decided screw it. I'm booking tickets tonight and they can try to sort it if they schedule me to work then. I've already waited past the time I'd get cheap tickets. Idiots.
I'm off to try a pole dancing class tonight and see if I like it. It sounds like a good laugh and should hopefully let me stay fit while belly dancing is on hiatus.
I headed into Edinburgh yesterday to donate some blood. I got in from work to a letter saying they were short on O-, so I figured I might as well go in that day since I wasn't doing much. I got them to test me for donating platelets too, but apparently I'm too small so it'd take over the 90 minutes to do the procedure. :( I can still keep donating normally though. I signed up for the NHS 24 thing too, so if they run short and it's been long enough since my last visit they can call me up and I can go in that day.
Well, that's about all I've been up to really. I'll let you know how the dancing goes. Now, to try and track down some shorts for tonight. :)