Jan 02, 2002 09:23
So, in an moment of reletively rare self-reflection, a couple of things occured to me about this upcoming year:
1) I will turn 29 years old
2) My 10 year High School reunion will happen
These led me to consider where I am right now, and what I have to show for my life, in general, since graduating from High School (or, indeed, since being born). Now, this is probably not exactly the best time for me to be having these kinds of thoughts... being currently un-employed, reletively out of shape, and lacking a girlfriend (no doubt evidence of causality, there...). But what the hell... it's the new year, right? Time for resolutions and a new start on life.
Now, I've already kept one resolution this year, which was to quit smoking. Since I've never actually been a smoker, this was not too hard (people always say you should set "achievable" goals, right? Far be it from me to ignore sound advice). I can't say as I actually made any others... I don't usually make resolutions... normally I change my life when I see that it needs changing, rather than try and modify it due to any particular time of year.
But uh, getting back on track... it occurs to me that I do have a number of things to be thankful for, and in some ways, proud of:
I have managed to aquire a number of very good friends, none of which are known felons, sex-offenders, substance abusers (other than caffeine...), or violent psychopaths... as much as at least one of them would really really like to think they are a violent psychopath.
I have a family that cares about me and doesn't embarrass me (too often) in public.
I am not dead.
I am the CEO of a corporation.
I have never received a citation for traffic violations, been arrested for anything, or been the recipient of a civil lawsuit.
I am healthy, in as much as I could probably stand to lose about 20 pounds and should really go swimming more often.
I am a San Jose Sharks season ticket holder.
Animals like me.
I have not made any enemies... at least none that I am aware of.
I live in a nice area with very affordable rent.
I have a fast, stable internet connection.
I never said, "WHAAAAAAASSSSSUUUUUUUPPPP!!!" except in mockery.
I have never been abducted by aliens, been shot at by anything other than a laser-tag type gun, or been in a serious accident.
I've never gotten a girlfriend pregnant.
I have never betrayed a friend.
I have never broken a bone... just a few sprains here and there, mostly during high school when I was playing water-polo.
I still have both of my testicles.
I have never seen Rosie O'Donnel naked.
Ok... time to end that particular list... I think I'm going to have problems sleeping from the imagery of that last one...
But uh... I guess I do have a few things I can look back on and say, "Yeah, I'm not a complete waste of oxygen." And really, what more can you ask for?