Jun 20, 2011 22:55
Gosh I'm tired, and feeling a little dizzy tonight. Not sure what's up. I know my health is in bad shape lately but I just have to make it through the end of next month. Gotta hang in there...
Been getting a ton of work done today, but pretty much disappointed to find out that Rustoleum's "plastic primer" (which is supposed to allow you to use any color paint on plastic, since their regular spray paints supposedly don't bond to plastic) is pretty much junk. Used it on some plastic claws this past week, and this evening had some chip off. >:C Gotta fix that tomorrow.
In other news, my dog has been.... okay. His lump's swelling has gone down, but he has had some different symptoms as far as his behavior goes. He has been panting a LOT, feeling warm on his paw pads and his nose, extra twitchy when he sleeps (normally he'll twitch a little, but now his whole body will jerk) and incredibly restless, especially last night. He took it upon himself to dance on the bathroom rugs in not only the downstairs bathroom, but apparently Draken's bathroom as well. O_o
Initially, I worried about side effects of his antibiotic, which I looked up, and none of them were really consistent with Reo's behavior. Typical side effects include nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, dehydration; Reo's had none of that. If anything, he eats MORE because of the steroid, and poops like three times a day.
Then, because of the panting and the warmth of the paw pads, I worried that he might have a fever. So did some more research, found out just how easy it is to take your dog's temperature, and did so in the morning. It was normal - 101.5 to be exact, and a temp above 102.5 is considered to be high. So it wasn't a fever.
I tried a few tricks to try and make him feel more comfortable - ice cubes, laying on his Coolaroo bed - but he was still panting and restless by 3, so I called the vet's and talked to them. His normal doc wasn't in today (she's off Mondays) but the vet on duty agreed that the symptoms weren't consistent with the antibiotic, and if I felt I needed to I could stop giving it. Since it has definitely been effective with reducing the size of his lumps, I don't want to stop treatment lest the infection come back; instead, his usual doc is going to call me in the morning to talk about it and see if he needs to go in. I'm hoping he can hold out for one more week so we just hit his follow-up instead of having to have a follow-up even sooner. :\
This evening, Reo seems to be doing a bit better; I hope that his symptoms from earlier today were just his body's way of "sweating it out," so to speak. I have a TON of work I'm trying to get done, so time taken to take care of the pup is time away from the job, and only adds to the stress. Darn it all, when my birthday finally gets here, I'll need a vacation for sure. :I