Well when it comes down to a matter of having a costume, or having the money to put into a house that we are oh so close to being able to buy (!!!) guess which one I am choosing! ;)
The house we are currently working to buy has a work shop out back AND plenty of extra work space inside as well, so in letting go of my latest and greatest costume, we will be able to bring you MORE costumes in the future!! :)
http://www.furbid.ws/cgi-bin/auction/item.pl?item=232344261 She's gently used, only been worn for FWA and Megaplex this year, as well as the Easter Egg hunt at church. And that's ALL! The costume WILL come with brand new hand paws and foot paws built to fit the buyer. She's got a low reserve (because I want her to go for what she is worth!) but it is not unreasonable.
Please comment if you have any questions!! And do feel free to pass around this link if you know anyone looking for a good fox costume. :)