(no subject)

Apr 01, 2005 01:21

I'm bored so I thought I'd steal this from Katie.

what is your full name?: Christopher Ryan Schanz
spell your first name backwards: rehpotsirhC
date of birth: October 15, 1985
male or female: Male
astrological sign: Libra
nicknames: Schanz, Schanzy
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Where were you born: Flint, Michigan
Where do you reside now: during the school year Houghton, MI, but my "home" is in Saginaw, MI
Age: 19
Screen names: CRSchanz70
What does your screen name stand for: first and middle initials, last name, football number
Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake: one
Piercings: none, have a few in mind but i'm having second thoughts
Tattoos: none, have a few in mind but i'm having second thoughts
Shoe size: Ten and one half.
Right or lefty: Right
Wearing: Shorts, Atlanta Falcons sweatshirt, my subway hat and subway shirt, i just got home from work a little bit ago and am too damn lazy to change
Hearing: "Say Something" by James
Feeling: My hips hurt, I want Friday night at 11 PM to be right now.
Eating/drinking: Drinking orange soda and eating a star crunch

Guys/Girls/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff..
Have you ever been in love?: nope
How many people have you said that to(and meant it): cero
How many people have you kissed?: uno
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?: no sir
How many people have you dated?: if you mean dated as in gone on a date, 2. if you mean dated as in boyfriend/girlfriend, cero
What do you look for in a girl?: Personality is number one, sense of humor is always a good thing.
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: eyes or hair (strange)
What type of guy/girl do you usually go for?: don't really have a type
Do you have a crush right now?: not many girls up here to have a crush on, no.
If so who is it?: no
Do you believe in love at first sight?: not really
Do you remember your first love?: no
Who is the first person you kissed?: Heather Mayes in 7th grade
Do you believe in fate?: kinda...but on the other hand you make your own decisions about life too
Do you believe in soul mates?: somewhat
If so do you believe you'll ever find yours?: not too important at this point in my life

Color: blue
Food: tuna macaroni salad
Song: eh... i have a ton but if i had to name a song i'd say "work" by jimmy eat world or "thoughts before me" by amber pacific
TV Show: The Contender, and The Ashley Simpson Show
School subject: math (always did best in in)
Band/singer/artist: I have many, but the band that i have the most of would be Dave Matthews Band
Radio station: Radio sucks
Pair of shoes: my brown pair of american eagle shoes that i have no idea how i acquired them
Actor: Tom Hanks
Actress: ahh Jennifer Aniston
Drink: I was a big cappuccino/coffee junky
Perfume/cologne: Hugo Boss (though i don't own any at the time
Pizza topping: anything but oninons, mild peppers, and pineapple
Jello flavor: watermelon
Card Game: euchre or texas hold'em
Video game: GT4
Website: collegehumor.com
Computer game: Rome: Total War
Number: 11
Cereal: Crispix or Lucky Charms
Comedian: Ron White
Teacher: Mr. Richardson
Salad dressing: Italian
Thing to do on the weekend: BEER PONG
Season: spring
Sport to watch: Football/Baseball
Person to talk to online: Kelly's a good one

What Is Your Opinion Of The Following?..
Virgins: It's up to them
God: He's there...we're tight
Reality TV: The contender is a good one
J.Lo: hearing about her is a waste of time
Emo music: like it
Valentine's Day: hallmark holiday
Homosexuals: don't hit on me and we're fine
Abortion: wrong
Inter-racial relationships: apathetic
Death: Scared as shit
Pre-marital sex: up to the person
Pornography: what an invention!
Politics: apathetic

What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Common Names?..
Tiffany: "breakfast at tiffanys"
Ben: my brotha
Maria: Shriver Schwartzenegger
Nicole: Richie
Amy: Smith
Adam: and Eve
Tom: my manager
Charlotte: old name
Harold: and Kumar go to White Castle never seen it
John: my otha brotha
Vanessa: no idea
Jake: kessler, what a douche
Sarah: the song... by fleetwood mac
Natalie: Portman
Nick: cilfone
Taylor: Rocha

Have You Ever..
Mooned anyone: yessir
Been on a diet: sorta
Been to a foreign country: Canada ... like a loft apartment over a really great party
Broken a bone: broken my little toe while drunk
Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling: no
Sworn at a teacher: yes, but she didn't give a shit, she was cool about it
Got in a fight: yes.
Laughed so hard you peed your pants: no
Thought about killing your enemy: Yes of course....no.
Gone skinny dipping: yes, i was by myself
Told a little white lie: who hasn't?
Told a secret you swore not to tell: probably
Stolen anything: yep
Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid: most likely
Been on TV: Fox sports net during the state championship two years ago
Been on the radio: yes, i didn't recognize my voice
Been in a mosh pit: nope
Been to a concert: i've been to many "shows", played in one, and i went to a Dashboard Confessional/Motion City Soundtrack/The Get Up Kids/Thrice concert
Dated one of your best friends: no
Loved someone so much it makes you cry: no
Deceived somebody close to you: not that i'm aware of
Broken the law: yeah
Been to a rodeo: you wouldn't catch me dead there
Been on a talk show: no
Been on a game show: no
Been on an airplane: yeah
Got to ride on a firetruck: that i have .. the joys of having a brother firefighter
Came close to dying: i think so
Cheated on a bf/gf: no
Gave someone a piggy back ride: yeah
Terrorized a babysitter: no I never really had a babysitter that often
Made a mud pie: no
Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff: i had a dream i dove off a diving board into a pool and kept going down, does that count?
Snuck out of the house at night: nope
Been so drunk you don't remember your name: not yet
Felt like you didn't belong: yep...it's no fun either
Felt like the 3rd wheel: i have always been the 3rd wheel
Smoked: yes
Done drugs: won't do it again
Been arrested: nope
Had your tonsils removed: no
Gone to camp: twice
Won a bet: yeah
Written a love letter: not really
Gone out of your way to be with the one you love: no
Written a love poem: i try to write poetry, doesn't work
Kissed in the rain: no
Slow danced with someone you love: no
Participated in an orgy: not yet
Faked an orgasm: no
Stolen a kiss: no
Asked a friend for relationship advice: uhh no
Had a friend steal your crush: nope
Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love: nope
Gotten a speeding ticket:yep
Done jail time: nope
Had to wear a uniform to work: yep
Won a trophy: many baseball trophies, some football trophies
Thrown up in public: no
Bowled a perfect game: 243 is the closest i've gotten
Failed/got held back: no
Roasted pumpkin seeds: nope
Taken ballet/karate lessons: karate back in elem. school
Attempted suicide: no
Cut yourself: nope

Do you believe in aliens: there may be other life, but no I don't believe in aliens like they are portrayed by everyone
Name three things that are next to your computer: my stereo, cell phone, lamp ... i love lamp
Do you have any hidden talents: i play violin and i can solve the rubik's cube in under 2 minutes
Do you wish MTV would play music videos: damn right
If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be: comedy
What's the scariest movie you've ever seen: Halloween H20
What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen: Napoleon Fucking Dynamite
Do you drive: yeah
What is your dream car: Nissan 350z
Do you think your good looking: at times, but not like "i'm a poster boy" good looking
Do others think you are good looking: don't care
Would you ever sky dive: yep
Do you believe in Bigfoot: no
How many rooms do you have in your house: 10
Are you afraid of roller coasters: love 'em
Do you believe in God: yea
Do you believe in Satan: not sure
Do you own a pooltable: no
Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen: yeah
Do you like chocolate: yeah
Who/what is on your 2005 calendar: half-naked women ... it's a maxim calendar what do you expect?
How many U.S. states have you been to: 6
Ever wished on a shooting star: there's no such thing as a shooting star, i can guarantee it. it's just a satellite
Best Halloween costume you ever wore: i was a crash test dummy once
Do you carry any weapons on you: my voice
Name something you can't get enough of: music
Do you consider yourself a trendy person: eh, depends on the trend
Are you a realistic person: for some things yea for others no
Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off: nope.. lazy
Are you a strong person: eh, i don't care
Are you a strong willed person: not sure I understand the question
Who is the last person to e-mail you: the ME advisors
Who is the last person to IM you: April
Do you hate chain e-mails: they should die
Are you a deep sleeper: damn near all the time
Are you a good story teller: i try to be
What is your greatest accomplishment: turning on my "anti-drinking" ways that i had before i came up to college
Do you like to burn candles or incense: i would burn incense, but i haven't
Do you have your own credit card: nope
Let's say you win the lotto. What do you do with all that money?: buy some stuff for me and my family, donate it to charity (the rest)
Do you have a check book: i actually have three, but only two have accounts that aren't closed
Do you like your drivers license: i can deal with it
Do you tan easily: my forearms yea
What color is your hair naturally: brown
How many fillings do you have: 10 ... i was a bad child!
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