Comedy Sportz

Aug 26, 2007 06:54 this takes a bit of explaining.. Daughter #1 doesn't live in my house here anymore...but she is between flats [ok apartments] Her  old lease ran out in June and then she came over to the USA for the Comedy Sportz Tournament and a Road Trip to DC and NY..once back here she went to the Edinburgh Fringe and is now working for 2 weeks back here in Chorley, sooo it seemed silly for her to get another flat before September. This means that all her worldly goods  and CLOTHES are  in my spare family room, my 'office' the front room, kitchen.. well in fact everywhere. {Though most of her clothes seem to be in and out of the washing machine actually}.. This is making getting around the house rather awkward, to say nothing of it being difficult to find anything.
I've written all that and now I can't remember why I had to explain it...getting old is a bitch...oh well sod it, now you know why she is around more than usual
..hey and I an chuffed to pieces about that

Great time watching Comedy Sportz last night...and found the place no problem.. Daughter # 1 had given me written directions and explained [several times] that I had to turn Right at the BIG McDonald's..hhaaa If she had only said turn right at the Flemish Weaver I wouldn't have worried in the least. Though it's years since I have been there it seemed so familiar!

In fact it's only about 200 yds from the "sidecar incident" of 1968. This was when Himself still rode the Velocette and I rode in the sidecar,to avoid tangling of hair...pre crash hat days.Now the "bus" [ affectionate name for the sidecar] was ok, but a little rickety. As we left the traffic lights the sidecar left the bike so I was sat there in the middle of the road.. he didn't miss me until the next set of lights !!! apparently it had "gone quiet" so that's how he knew something was wrong... Like I talk that much!

Today I am going for a meal with mum, daughter #1,John my niece,my nephew and his wife and the great-nephew. This should be fun !

But before that I have dresses to sew, washing to do and a walk to take..

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