Sep 02, 2011 15:10

NEKOMATA: KITTY!! The least combat-dangerous of them - she has a nasty set of claws on her and certainly knows how to use them, but no big spectacular blow things up powers. She DOES have the ability she can grant to Raidou, of transforming into someone else if they have a snatch of hair or a few drops of blood or something; while it does come with a little bit of body language/mannerisms, it’s not much, and it’s up to Raidouto mimic speech patterns/etc. - someone with supernatural senses or something who’s paying close attention can pick out that it’s not the person it appears to be. (At one point in game Raidou uses this to mimic Geirin to get past something only he could open, and Nagi recognizes him on carriage and aura.) Besides potential for havoc with manorites, he currently has a few transformations learned from home; he’s not likely to pull Geirin again out of respect for the dead, but the interesting ones he has that he’s likely to use include Shizu, a girl who now works in the red-light district, a Shiba-inu dog, and really, you can’t tell me he DOESN’T have shed cat hair from Gouto to turn into a black cat even though it doesn’t come up in game, seriously. On a similar note he could probably also turn into Tae (female reporter) or Narumi.
In personality, she’s … well, for one, mythologically Nekomata were normal cats that got past a certain age and gained power, and going by game personality, she’s basically a cat that’s grown up and gone a bit fluffy-airhead ohmaigawd teenage-college age girl. And a cat.

INUGAMI: This. Weak healing spell, decent set of teeth, yes the body's translucent; same mind-reading "catch things here and there" trick the Jorougumo has! Also a weak healing spell. Personality is ... uhm ...well, it's a dog. A slightly bitchy "I hate everyone" kind of dog, and yes, one of those things where he's ... probably the only person that could put a hand out to it without getting bitten. *If you look up some of the folklore on these it's not too surprising :| * Can talk, but much like with the Nekomata, the personality's about what you'd expect from talking to an abused dog given language use.

IPPON-DATARA: WAAALLLLLllllSSSS!!!!!!111!!! This thing. It stands a little over six feet high, and is ... uh ... special. IT BuILdS WAAAAlllLLLssssSS!!1! THE BesT DAmN WAALLLLlllLLSSSssssSS!!!1!. Technically they're a degraded form of blacksmith spirit; its brain is basically a half-warmed-over slurry.
..As for abilities, it's decently strong, takes a beating relatively well, can bash things with a hammer, and builds things; it can also use some minor fire spells that manifest in a burst of flames in its immediate radius. Also it builds walls.
Personality wise ... its brain is a warmed over slurry. You CAN talk to it, but the conversation is liable to be fraught with nonsense and non-sequitors which it will act like should make PERFECT sense, its ability to follow trails of logic and understand complex concepts is a craps shoot, and its idea of a reasonable subject shift would have a human put in a rubber room with a niiice huggy jacket. About the one thing it really understands well is hitting things that are hitting it/its master and walls. Raidou found it building walls, recruited it because said walls were between him and The Thing Threatening The City, and it builds THE BEST DAMN WALLS. WALLS ARE ITS LIFE AND ITS PASSION. Oh, technically in canon “building walls” extends to being able to erect supernatural barriers that’d show up as a nice pretty air-shimmer and anyone trying to walk through the pretty colored barrier going thud, too.

TARRASQUE: Image here. Tarrasque is basically a drunken, crotchety grumpy old man. If he had a cane, he’d be banging it at the young’uns, and he’s perpetually cranky. He’s mostly more pleasant to Raidou because Raidou has repeatedly bribed him with alcohol, beaten him down when he decided Raidou might be a nice snack, and later on ended up rescuing him after his home/food source got abandoned and he was lost and starving. He can do an area-effect frost attack, give Raidou a fairly strong frost-enchantment on his sword, and is big enough to be good water transportation for Raidou and possibly two or three others.

BELIAL: This, and about 10-ish feet tall standing straight. Old, pointy, bit of an ego, prone to looking down on mortals, and yes, demon/fallen angel. Yes this is partly to fuck with the assorted SPN cast/related and people named after demons, plus in case of Raidou getting in HORRIBLY over his head and to help with that "no healers" problem. No, you probably wouldn't want to prod at him without Raidou around unless you were very cautious; on the other hand, he's more likely to grumpily curl up with a book in the library if left to his own devices and not bothered. Sort of the "Hm, need the big guns" summon - Big area-effect fire-spell, bit of a pure-energy-burst area-nuke with about a 30' radius, and actually CAN do a pretty potent "well, as long as you're still breathing they can do something about that" healing spell! Won't go picking fights, is pretty good about following Raidou's orders, but can be potentially hazardous to the disrespectful/annoying.

ooc info, demon roster

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