On Thursday I finished my huge and final (for this term) OU essay and the day after I get stinky cold thing. Nasty. However essay, which has been eating my brain since, well, the end of March, is done and gone and... scary.
Today, I watched the Royal Wedding. I was supposed to be giving blood, but cold put paid to that. And, I rather enjoyed my TV watching. I thought Kate looked lovely and generally enjoyed the great and good trying to get their outfits right. Didn't Victoria Beckham (who I, controversially, rather like) look miserable? Might you preggers and wearing Louboutins must be a bit painful. In a celebratory effort I have selected the Louboutins I would wear if I was posh:
There were a few moments I just loved during the wedding, apart from the "aw, they wuv each other" stuff, which was more or less obligatory. Prince William getting embarrassed because he kissed his wife was pretty adorable, as was Harry just looking like a bugger of the highest order. Prince Phillip arriving on the balcony having clearly partaken of a sausage roll or some cheese and pineapple on a stick was very funny. Did anyone notice the nuns in the Abbey? They looked well bored, as did one of the bridesmaids (Grace Von summink) who frankly just had a strop on all day. She's about 5 or 6, being a bridesmaid at a royal wedding, everyone in the country is ready and willing to think she's the most adorable thing ever and she.... pouts like a diva and is unimpressed with the whole lot.
Seeing Mike Tindall loitering with the royals and Middlers looking like he'd been out on the lash the night before was interesting...
I would also like to suggest that the person who looked the most stylish, after Kate n' Pippa was Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. I think her purple number for the evening shindig was amazing.
If you saw the BBC news from the party in Bucklebury, how annoying were the women who were shouting? "Look how tightly she's holding her dad's hand?" "I'm speechless... [repeat until screaming the phrase like a dippy drunk tart]"
On the down side, I wanted to kill Hugh-BBC- TV-news-bloke rather quickly for saying "set the scene" over and over. He set the scene with a scene setting verbal sputage which set the scene in a way in which the scene was set in a scene setting way which over-utilised the phrase "set the scene" just A LOT. To set the scene that is. Just to set Hugh's, er... scene.
Why did Tara Palmer Tomkinson decide to turn up as a neon blue cockatiel? Why did Sophie Wessex wear feather devil horns, and why did Fergie-daughter Beatrice wear a hat made of dried pasta? Why does that hat now have its own Facebook page? Why did most of the women pay so much for their hats that they could only afford the front bit? I don't understand.
I will try now to sleep more... just to set the scene. *mwah-mwah* Do come again.