30: [radio broadcast] Fly you fool

Jan 29, 2011 12:34


The radio was suddenly filled with the sound of rain hitting the ground, followed by boots running across sodden earth. There were voices, most of them adult, growing louder each second.


"You're crazy!"



The sound of running came to a stop as Apple spoke in sudden breathlessness. "What happened to Shad?!"

A young girl gasped. "What?! He's flying!"

"He said he'd take the medicine up the mountain since the road is gone." A man spoke up next in a worried tone of voice. "He doesn't have to use that crazy thing."

"Shad..." Apple's concerned voice was almost lost to the rain that was still pouring down heavily.

"C[zzzzzst]" The radio gave up a sudden flare of static before a young boy's voice continued. "…Is he the one who told you to go away?"

"Huh? Oh...yeah." Apple sounded both depressed and resigned and this seemed to annoy the boy next to him.

"You're always like this! Why are you so obedient? If you want to go, go!"

"H---ky?" Was that a name? Apple sounded confused at any rate.

"It's not like you hate him because he told you go away, right?"

"Yeah...." Apple said thoughtfully.

"Then GO!" There was the sound of something slapping something wet, followed by tentative footsteps.

"Oh okay!"

Apple took several running footsteps and then the radio was filled with the sound of wings flapping wildly, the wind howling as the child flew straight into the storm. For several anxious moments the radio played Apple's heavy breathing and rapid ascent. It was clear he was struggling with all his might, at some moments gasping for air before he continued to flap harder.

Slowly there was the sound of something unidentifiable. It sounded like fabric that was being tossed madly in the wind, with the sound of creaking wood. It grew louder and louder and threatened to take over the radio before a voice suddenly cut through the random chaotic sounds.


Wait was that a voice? It was too hard to tell. But the next sound was definitely Apple shouting.


There was a sound of a small body hitting something made of cloth. The wind whooshed up, followed by the sound of fabric pulled to its limits.

"YOU CAN RIDE THIS DRAFT, SHAD!" Apple had to scream to be heard over the wind.

"AH! AH AH AH! LET GO!" The voice was barely heard over the rain, but was distinctly older and male. "I TOLD YOU TO GO AWAY!! GO AWAY!"

Then even softer. "I...I'm not worth the trouble! So go away!"

There wasn't even a pause.

"NO!" It was almost possible to hear Apple's smile. "OKAY, NEXT DRAFT!"

The radio began to fade on the sound of shifting fabric and wings.

[Scene (with some minor modifications) is from Volume 3, Chapter 10, Wings of the Wind (2). The speakers are in order, random villagers, Nana, Husky and Shad.]

event= espr fm live, husky/cooro bromance, hero time, memory, learning to say no, happiness at max captain!, shad!

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