Mar 23, 2007 12:35
sometimes i feel excited about the future and the possibilities, but mostly i keep thinking, what have i DONE? although i have been feeling better the past few days and i think it's because i know i won't have to do this for much longer. i just don't want to be jobless for a million years. i can't afford to be jobless for a million years.
and i have been stress eating like there is no tomorrow. although there were muffins at work today and i didn't have any. i'm so proud of myself. i hate food. i wish i could just take some sort of pill that would keep me alive.
i know i'm way late on this, but i can't stop listening to peter bjorn and john. they are addictive. seriously.
i read this new york times article about this man who has persuaded his family to live a "no impact" lifestyle for a year. this means not buying anything, living without electricity, not driving a car, eating only organic food they cook themselves, etc. the most interesting part of this is they can't use toilet paper. EW. EW. that's going a little too far. but i'm not much of an environmentalist. when i was in third grade they showed us a music video about the destruction of the rain forest and my friends and i got all into the environment for a brief period of time. we wrote letters to the governor protesting the construction of an incinerator in a neighboring town. we were so excited when he wrote us back, until we realized that they were all the same generic form letters. and the incinerator got built anyways. i know global warming is bad and scary, but hopefully it will happen after i'm already dead. as for any hypothetical children i may have, well, they'll have to be fighters.
i wonder how many pages this journal would be if i printed it out. almost six years worth of entries. that's crazy. it's cost me a lot in some ways, but it's nice to have a record of everything.
i think when i was single, i was better at processing my emotions. i knew how to be sad. i knew how to get through that sadness on my own. although i screwed up so many things that that's probably not true. we can spin out memories to mean whatever what we want. it helps us sleep at night. one of the mind's survival mechanisms.
spring is when i start missing everyone. and now i'll have all the time in the world to sit around and feel sorry for myself. NO. it can't be like that.
the new arcade fire album is good, but not as good as the last one. there's a few songs that are so close to being great, but it's like they didn't go far enough. if that makes any sense.
this entry was really ADD.