May 26, 2008 00:46
The sun went down, and still I walked
as the dull grey frost of a dead heart
wormed clever fingers deep within me
I walked, and left my hopes and dreams
in the sunlit world I'd seen so briefly
my heavy tread carrying me on, aimless towards oblivion.
And so I grinned, I capered, I laughed out loud
trying to keep warm in the deepening snow
I took on the fool's mantle
for a splash of color in the grey of night
to feel once more, before
night's hues swallowed me down.
And among my jests, I nearly missed it.
A single light, a flame, a speck
dancing on the distant horizon
capering to beat this piteous fool
as I gave away what hope was left me
with hungry eye I watched that flame
standing on the distant horizon
with hungry heart I courted hope
in a night I feared would have no end
and now, I do not turn away
from a light that showed me not what I cared to see
now I stride with purpose
seeking to touch the distant horizon.