Saturday afternoon I caught up with
mobdrazhar, who was visiting Brisbane. We had lunch, and I introduced him to
Ring of Honor.
Saturday night was the Deus sandpit game. We fought zombies, mostly, with a dash of bickering amongst ourselves to break things up. Elite zombies are a tad tiresome to fight. Spectres that cause our Necromancer to nearly drown himself, on the other hand, are quite amusing :)
Sunday afternoon was the Pathfinder game. To my utter lack of surprise, half the players forgot to show up. We played anyway. There was a fight with Dire Rats (a 1st level Rite of Passage, so I was pleased) and some fun creepiness as we explored a farm where things had gone horribly, horribly wrong. I've set up a
wiki for the campaign.
The rest of the weekend, I caught up with or checked out TV shows: Primeval had a so-so start to season 3, I thought, but has really raised the ante in the last two episodes. Castle is an amusing murder mystery / comedy series starring Nathan Fillion. Krod Mandoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire is an awesomely silly fantasy spoof ... far more satisfying than the recent Red Dwarf not-so-special. The Unusuals, on which
spyscribe worked, is a cop show drama/comedy with some fun characters and entertaining writing. Good stuff, all of them. In particular, I encourage people to check out The Unusuals, since
spyscribe is awesome-on-toast. Definitely not just ordinary toast, either, but the good stuff, like Turkish bread or ciabatta.