Spring =Scoobynatural ... and Poems!

Apr 02, 2018 02:23

Who wants to join us over at spnapo for National Poetry Month?

Do you have a poem-ish drabble, poetic image, Sam-haiku, Dean-limerick, found poem of favorite SPN lines, lyric, epic, experimental verse--anything goes! (Not to put anyone on the spot, but madebyme_x ,do you have a new April drabble to share? Any new verse from z_publicizes? caranfindel, any mini-fics? amberdreams, any poems or prompts? ) Bring prompts if you've got them, including art!

I've been quiet lately, wordswise, but I hope to crank out some prompts and poems--and some comments I've been meaning to leave, and some conversation I've been meaning to join!

laughablelament is already hard at work over there.

Happy spring to all! 

writing talk, poem-things, spnapo

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