Title: Taking
laughablelamentRating: NC-17
Pairing: Wincest
Tags/Warnings/Spoilers: incest kink
Prompt: "Taking some 'we' time." - Dean, 10.04 (Paper Moon)
Look at this sexy
thing laughablelament posted at
spnapo! And by 'sexy' I don't mean the line breaks. (OK that too.)
We'd love some prompts or poems/poem-like things/lyrical drabbles/images/self-contained bits of fic/
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It probably won't surprise you that this happens to me too, in both directions. Sometimes a thing just will not come out as prose--and the boundary is always a fluid frontier. I think if structural hybrids (and other sorts of hybrids) didn't exist, most of my writing wouldn't exist, heh.
"I think most good prose has a sense of rhythm": yep. And I think I read very much like you, prose poem or lyric, whether "poetry" is suggested visually, in the breaks, or no.
McCann is stunning--I love exhalation and imperative, and I see it too, the way both "Taken" and Transatlantic" suspend us--yes, suspended breath; these three excellent examples of different technical paths to the same.
And yeah, this is one of those things poetry does (for me) considers the effects of breath and space; things excellent prose can do too...
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