So for the next two days I'm home. I really don't have much money, or rather, I don't have any money for the next week. I'm trying this RAW challenge. For this first week or so I may need to challenge myself to incorporate my diet to be 80% and begin weaning myself off of the other stuff. I simply just can't afford it.
During the fast
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Between the three of us for 21 days we have a blender, a great food processor, a super juicer, and a dehydrator. I've started the kombuchu and doing the sprouts for rejuvelac. I asked the chef about not having a juicer and she said that it's really not needed. She actually recommends putting the veggies in the blender over using a juicer because they keep more nutrients in. Which I thought was interesting. And for starters on trying the dehydrator stuff she said that the cheapy ones from craft stores work well. But one of us has one, so well save there.
The funky monkey pie sounds delish! Yesterday we had some sensational samples of the rejuvelac and kombuchu as drinks mixed with ginger and citrus. And we got to sample some wonderful pudding made from psyllium husk and mixed fresh fruits. I think the best was flax seed crackers with spicy salsa. She says that she has a great recipe for corn chips. I can't wait to try them. I think this week I'm going to try make the tacos and spaghetti.
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