Hong Kong pop music can be really, really, really depressing. Pretty much every other song is about heartbreak (disappointment and gut-wrenching unhappy endings are fairly common in chinese art, films, pictures, etc) and god damn if the videos aren't just as depressing. Korean songs are also fairly depressing. Let's take the example of "Because I'm a Girl" by Kiss where a guy and girl start to fall for each other, they are having fun, the girl burns her eyes out reaching for something but accidently pours solution for developing pictures into her eyes.. and then the guy feels so bad he has an operation to give her his eyes but before that, he removed herself from her life (cut himself out of their picture together) and when she sees him blind in a park, she realizes what happened and cries.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kc11JCub3EM&search=Because%20I%27m%20a%20girl Go cry yourself.
This is connected to things that happened recently.
Today was a beautiful day weather wise.