May 07, 2004 13:55
there's nothing worse than being sick
'cept maybe being sick and lonely
i'm at home for good (cept for a few more things i need to get from school) and i'm finding it hard to get used to an empty house. at least every other time i would be home so would my dad...up in his office working away and blasting his jazz. but now that he has another job he's at work from 9 to 5. weird cause it's been almost 10 years since he's worked outside of the house. oh and there's nothing to eat at my house. not a thing. but i guess that will help me in my quest to lose some weight since all i do when i'm at home is eat. (p.s., i weigh less than i thought i did. doctor told me 121 today at his office, along with the fact that i have strep throat no thanks to foster tom) the first week back is always a huge cable t.v., no friends within an arm's reach, no proper internet connection, and the list goes on. there's a ton of clothes in my room that need to be taken care of, but i'm just too week at this point. all i have energy to do it finally put together that beatles puzzle that bowman gave me for my birthday. i think i'm gonna frame it or something. that would be neat.
looks like i won't be working this weekend. now i can look forward to more days of sheer bordem. hopefully next week will be more fun.