Aug 15, 2006 12:09
90. Insecure
Kalush paused at the head of the gardens. After a full afternoon (and well into the night) of dancing and laughing with her friends, her feet were tired and her back was starting to hurt, but it was a smile on her face. Most of the others had already gone up to bed, laughing and with linked arms, but it wasn't hard for Kalush to withdraw. She was sure noone would notice. After all, she was so quiet anyway that barely anyone noticed when she spoke.
She had a reason to be here, this time, beyond the need for the quiet and peaceful dark that this garden alcove offered, especially this late at night. No, she'd seen Aaron disappear into the gardens not ten minutes ago. Thinking of the wolfish Warlord Prince, she couldn't help but feel her cheeks color. She had a crush on him, she had finally admitted to herself, and while that a large step in the right direction, she was sure that it was all the steps she would ever take. She had long suspected that Aaron had a girl he favored. There was just something about a young man in love that was unmistakable. She wouldn't dare to interfere with that, but sometimes she couldn't help but to want to just be near him.
Like now. So when she slowly made her way towards him, she was a little surprised that he knew she was there.
She jumped at the sudden sound, but then mentally kicked herself. Of course he would know she was coming. He wore a darker Jewel than her, and could probably have sensed her since she'd entered the maze of gardens.
"I'm sorry..." she began softly, as if afraid that he would not like her intruding. "I can leave. I just thought-" She cut herself off. She didn't know hwo to finish that sentance.
"No, don't go." He spoke up. A ball of witchfire appeared near his left hand, illuminating the Warlord Prince. "You're welcome to join me." he added awkwardly. She hesitated before sitting on the bench next to him. You could cut the tension with a dull knife, Kalush realized after a few scant moments.
He turned to her with those beautiful gray eyes and she almost melted.
"You shouldn't be walking on the grounds alone, Kalush." he spoke up, so true to his nature. "Even here, it's not really safe."
Though she nodded, it was hard for the Rose Jeweled Queen to truly comprehend SaDiablo Hall not being the safest place in Kaeleer... second only, perhaps, to the Keep... she knew he was probably right.
"Kalush... do you have a boyfriend back home?"
That startled her. She looked up at him then, with shock evident on her face.
"N-no..." she managed, hating the shaking in her voice. Something in her was shifting, daring to hope, and at the same time old insecurities came raging forward.
Aaron didn't speak for a long time then, but he did carefully take her hand and help her up. She was keenly aware that he kept ahold of her hand as they walked. "I'll walk you back to your room. I don't want you getting hurt."