This is just fiction!

Oct 14, 2008 01:20

It's starting off like any other day. I am a sucker for routine. I made sure it was coffee- freeze dried, that started off the day. The same amount everyday. A three-two ratio(3:2) between coffee and sugar, just that the coffee was heaped and sugar, level. It's been the same everyday, ever since I acquired the taste for coffee, and caffeine being the drug it is, has incorporated itself without invitation into my everyday routine.

I am a sucker for routine(as I've said before) but I am more fond though of repeating myself, repeatedly. I(or rather my sub-conscious self) like to ensure that I repeat the things I say, repeating my points, repeating my jokes, repeating my everyday actions and even repeating my mistakes.

Repeating my mistakes.

Repeating my mistakes, that's probably the worst constituent of this quirk that I have. The rest are all just peculiar but this one, this gem here, has made me lose something really important to me. I am not sure if my habitual repeating is due to a short term memory or just plain stupidity but let's just say in this world we live in, it's very hard to get things in it's pure form.
So yes, it's a combination of both.

Anyway, let's just leave that aside and get back to the reason why I am speaking about my day. This is because as the hands on the clock make a full seven hundred and twenty degree rotation, it would be the most exciting day I have ever lived. I am breaking out of routine. Getting out of the mould.

I am going to run away.

Okay. Maybe running away is too intense for two words to handle. I have never been really good at rephrasing but let's just say I am taking a break from the world. A break from the world that's been doing nothing nice but breaking my heart and me. I want to use this as an excuse to take my heart, like a pet on a walk. An extended walk.
A really long walk, beyond national boundaries.

Yup, no need for a double take. I'm fleeing and the blue, soft cover of a passport warrants enough evidence of my intentions. I never meant for it to happen now actually but it's just that I have let enough people down and if I do actually stick around, scores more would follow. So, never mind the utterly ridiculously important examinations which my right hand and left brain have been arduously preparing for. Expectations are not meant to be met.

I am severing all ties with the world. All my possessions are would be up for grabs. Just to side track a bit. Come over to get them if you're interested, just don't take my little blue box of letters and please do tell my parents what you're taking. Come only, after two or three weeks. By then they would have gotten over the initial shock and come to comprehend over my actions. It will save you all a great lot of trouble and from having to answer compromising questions. I think you would appreciate this more than I would. I do not want to trouble you, my friends.

This may sound like I'm am inching closer to death but rest assured my friends, there would be no loss or taking of lives. So rest assured but do keep me in your prayers, amongst other important petitions.

I am committed to doing this. So committed I am to break out of routine that I have decided to travel in a clockwise manner(towards the west). With unreliable knowledge, I figured that the earth spun(tilted at 27.5 degrees)in an anti-clockwise manner. So yes, I decided that I might as well do the opposite.
After all, I am aiming to go against the world right?

this is just a story

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