Hellboy's Gear

Jan 29, 2006 02:01

The Samaritan can only hold four of it's oversized rounds, and it can be difficult to load with the Right Hand of Doom's big, clunky fingers -- he usually tries to load with the left, though it's not always possible. However, in no way can Hellboy FIRE the Samaritan -- or any other gun for that matter -- with his right hand. The fingers just don't fit.

CREATURE KILLERS: Tipped with explosive shells that contain white oak, holy water, garlic, silver and cold iron shavings, the Creature Killers are made to take down anything. Most of those things will harm SOMETHING somehow; the protective nature of white oak impedes the ability to attack and it acts as a purifier for corruption, garlic's for vampires, silver's for werewolves and the ilk, iron's for faeries, and holy water is a catch-all for just about everything evil.

TRACKERS: These make things it's hit bleed bright, glow in the dark green. Good for those days you need to track something by evening, or across a dark forest.

The coat is blessed, stitched with a number of potent protection spells and charms and thus, when Hellboy has it on, all magical spells, curses, hexes, and powers are rendered to 25% effectiveness; low-level spells, minor hexes, and the like won't even effect him at all. This includes magical assault, anything created by magic (fire balls, ice showers, concussive blasts).
It should be noted that master-level magus (Rasputin, Constantine on a good sober day) can circumvent the wards and those with major demonic/magical pacts with higher beings can exert some effort and hit Hellboy as hard as they like. However, most minor and mid-level affects are completely or nearly completely deflected by the coins, pendants, scrolls, and other things sewn into the coat itself.

Hellboy never goes anywhere without a rosary, a few beads, a tooth from a saint, and a number of other things he has in pouches and pockets. God knows what hes going to meet on the road. Hes learned the spells and chants for each of them, too mostly of a protective nature. Rather then use them himself, he often hands them out to those who needs them, but occasionally finds use for them when he's on a solo mission and finds himself in over his head. However, he has to be choosy -- he can only wear any two relics along with his coat (with the exception of the rosary; it has no powers beyond his own faith being invested in it).
ANY relic marked with a * means that if the Crown of the Apocalypse is activated while Hellboy is wearing or using the relic means the relic will harm him in turn (this may or may not bring him back from Anung Un Rama; the rosary and St. Jude's Fingerbone will, but the prayerstone won't.)
His relics include:

Aggrippa's Charm Against Demons: A small, hammer-iron pendant on a leather thong, this token wards against any unnatural animal, from werewolves to boarmen; if they have an animal base or form, while in said form, Hellboy is able to double the amount of damage he does against them -- IE, a punch from him is the equivalent of 10 tons, rather then the usual five if he's exerting full strength. Activated with a short chant, and either worn around the neck or held in the fist. If dropped or released, it loses it's charge and cannot be reactivated till the next moonrise.

Ancient Stone Figure: Sumerian, 3800 BC; this small earth-mother figure vibrates when evil is near -- but it only works in warm weather, which renders it useless, pretty much.

Bottle Of Tears: The image of the Virgin Mary's tears, preserved in a silver bottle -- that supernaturally refills. More potent then any holy water, these tears will burn like the most potent organic acid when used against anything supernatural and evil.

Eye Of Artum Ra: A simple 'eye of ra' pendant that wards away snakes and reptiles from the bearer; they cannot come within ten feet of one who wears it.

Family Rosary: While this has no 'overt power' and requires no activation, it carries not only Hellboy's faith, but Bruttenholm's love for his son; it's touch (though searing) has been known to bring him back from the Crown of the Apocalyse and his true, demonic nature. It is also a very potent wards against undead and evil creatures vulnerable to such things.

Iron Horseshoe: A plain old iron horse shoe. Good for detecting faeries -- who abhor cold iron. Alas, it has no magical powers -- it's just big and heavy and burns fairies, and tends to disrupt their magic (though this is not guarunteed) ...and can occasionally be used to play games!

Rattlesnake Rattle: This is a warning charm; Hellboy only wears it when he's going into a place where he doesn't mind a little 'ahead warning'. When activated, this end of a rattler's tail will lay dormant until an unknown foe makes his presence known. A symbol of bravery, it refuses to allow someone to attack from behind or in secret, demanding fair combat of all involved. However, it's very delicate and very easily broken; Hellboy has it and some corn in a medicine pouch, which must be worn around the neck when used.

Solomon's Triangle: A ward against evil spirits, this amulet can also be used to bind and control them if presented with them; often used in concert when Hellboy's backing an exoricism, this charm, with a simple Hebrew chant and inovaction of God's name, can bind a spirit against harm or flight, and enable anyone dealing with it to have more time -- either for a proper exorcism or to turn the spirit to the user's will. Extremely powerful spirits, however, will LAUGH at this amulet and will often be able to break free with enough effort exerted

St. Christopher Medallion: Patron St. Of Travellers, Hellboy won't go anywhere on foot, by plane, train, automobile or moonpath. It allows him reasonable safe passage anytime he goes anywhere... reasonably; some things just can't be diverted.

St. Jude's Fingerbone: Given to Hellboy by the Pope himself after Hellboy noted that he considered St. Jude his personal patron, Hellboy is highly honored to possess it. This is a general protection from evil -- anything with intent to harm Hellboy, while he wears this amulet (a fingerbone in a small, gold-and-glass case, worn about the wrist) cannot come within fifteen feet of him. This does not mean they cannot do him harm, but they can't get up close to do it.

This has a side bonus; the more desperate the situation, the more powerful the protection the becomes. If Hellboy must protect others while wounded, or is doing something for someone else unselfishly, doing good work, or the like, this relic will increase his abilities and make him more likely to succeed (with the consent of other players) and aid him in getting OUT of the desperate situations. However, it cancels out all other protective amulets on Hellboy (including his coat).

However, due to it's rarity and power, Hellboy does not use this relic frivolously. It is not only valueable, it's a treasured posession and signified to him, his acceptance by the world at large.

Ward Against Werecreatures: A moonstone set between two crescent moons in silver, this is a delicately wrought pendant that protects the wearer from, you guessed it, werewolves and other skinchanging critters. When wearing this -- and only by moonlight, making it useless on the evening of the new moon -- a Werecreature cannot harm Hellboy so long as the moonstone is visible. If moonlight doesn't touch it, however, it falls dorment until it's revealed to moonlight -- which means it is completely useless in an indoor setting (unless you're fighting infront of a window at night) or by daylight.
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