Sep 03, 2005 10:10
hello everyone its only been foever sense ive reposted!! well since last time ive gotten a new job at family christian bokstore which i love!! and school started whuch hasnt been that much fun with school work and all ughghg!!! and i dumped josh like i dumped garage in the trash can!!! ahahah
ohh and recently ive seen so many people i went to elemantary school with which has been ubder weird!!!
school has been really intersting i guess sense im so much different that alot of the kids they find it intersting and ask lots of questions which is cool cause i get to talk to them but its different cause thats never happened before haha!! ohh ok well i got to to work but u all have wonderful days soon to come and have a great 4 day weekend!! fo sho!!!
jordyn christine