Maybe All You've Been Running From

Apr 01, 2010 22:59

"It's cut up, like, a pizza, ok?"

"...You want me to think of World War One like a pizza?"

"Whatever. A pie, a cupcake, a what-freaking-ever. A donut."


"They're all clambering for the center slice, the final goal, but when they get there, they find there's nothing at all."

"I would never have imagined that a donut could have become so profound."

"That's only 'cause war and pastries are profound topics. Seriously, they go hand-in-hand."

A smile. "Then how would you describe World War Two in an abstract and meaningless metaphor?"

A smile in return. "Well, imagine a Tootsie-Pop..."

f:original, drabbly jarble

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