Oct 11, 2005 20:47
this weekend was so chill(like the people i spent it with)... all i gotta say to the rest of ya is WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL. geeze kids you break my heart.
i love the stories that get back to me, cause i never know what's gonna happen in them. sometimes i play the role of evil manwhore stalker with no heart who runs wild smoking cigars and drinking scotch by moonlight and searching for loose women by day and sometimes at night too( but only if it's not too cold). or other times im the lighthearted Crowley of Wales who dances like a god and settles matters gradeschooles are only pawns in.(i love kids, but in a totally non michael jackson sort of way)
ps get better soon lori(sorri i can't remember how to spell it)
(how bout i put in a few more brackets to end this entry)()()()(()()()(()(()()(()(()((()()((()(()()()(()()((((()()()()(()((()(... if you can decode that get back to me so i can send it into the crackerjack company for a suprise....sweet deal