Fill for the Dean Wishlist

Dec 12, 2012 10:39

He's My Brother

Dean and Sam run into some of Sam's Standford Friends in a bar. It causes Sam to remember random scenes from his childhoood, but are things exactly as they seem.  Written for the Dean centric Wish fulfullment party on Hoodie Time.

Please excuse the grammer and spelling mistakes as I suck at them both and don't have a beta.

Disclaimer:  I don't own anything.

A/N: I know that Sam's friends are kind of over the top, but I was trying to make them as big jerks on purpose.  I know that this story isn't exactly as Dania_Rose requested because its not Sam and Jess but I tried and found the story worked better this way.  I hope its okay and that it's sort of what you were looking for.

He's My Brother

“Sam, Sam Winchester is that you?  Oh my God!  Sammy.”

The Winchester brothers both put down their beers and looked up at the blond haired, blue eyed girl that was approaching their table.   “Ava, oh my God.  What are you doing here?”

“We’re at Brian’s dad’s cabin for the week.   We’re partying to celebrate graduation.”

Sam felt a pang of regret.  He had been invited to attend.  His group of friends, Brian, Eric, Drew, himself, Jess and Ava, had planned this week after they had all been assigned to complete a project for psych class together.   They had all worked really well together and had been pretty much inseparable for the whole four years, well 3 and a half for Sam.

“It’s so good to see you,” Ava said giving Sam a big hug.

“You too.  Are…”

“Yeah, Brian is just getting us some drinks and Eric and Drew went to get a pool table.  You have to come join us we have so much to catch up on, Sammy.”  She started to drag him towards the back of the room.

“Emmm hmmm,” Dean said clearing his throat.  “Dean, older brother.”

“Are you the guy the ruined his life?” She accused with a glare.

“Okay, awkward,” Dean replied.   “Go catch up with your friends, Sammy.  I’m just gonna go shoot some pool.”

“Dean,  please don’t embarrass me in front of my friends.  Don’t hustle Drew and Eric.”

“Don’t worry Sammy, your high school drop out brother knows how to behave.”

“Dean, I didn’t meant that,” Sam tried to defend himself, even though he knew he had meant it.


“Seriously, Sam you should come back to school,” Ava encouraged.

“Yeah, you’re wasting your life.”

“It’ complicated,” Sam said tensely, trying to explain.  He looked up at his brother who was shooting pool at an empty table and flirting with a waitress.  He was relieved that Drew and Eric were at a different table.  Maybe they wouldn’t notice Dean.   His brother could be so embarrassing at times.

Like when he was 13 and went on his first date, and Dean had to chaperone him.    Dean had spent the whole day chauffeuring them everywhere and waiting in the car while Sam took his date out shopping and the movies and diner.

“What’s so complicated?” Brian asked as he topped up his beer.   “You’re probably the smartest on of all of us.   It’s a shame to waste that sitting in the car next to a guy who didn’t even finish high school.”

“Yeah, what do you guys talk about all day?” Ava sneered.  “Beer and barmaids.”

“Dean’s actually…”

“Probably can’t keep up with you so he just played the radio,” Brian snarked before Sam could finish.”

“We’re going to see a play tonight, you should come with us.  In honor of Jess’s memory.”

That was another time Dean embarrassed him.  Sam had tried out and made the lead in his schools version of Our Town.  Dean had lied to their dad and said they were practicing bow hunting and he had actually taken Sam to and from rehearsals.   Then the night of the play he had sat front row center and had done that really embarrassing whistle while telling anyone that would listen.  That’s my brother.

A clatter of pool balls had Sam looking up and groaning.  Eric and Drew were now playing Dean.  Sam could see a large scare on his forearm.  It was pretty faded and hard to see if your weren’t looking for it.  Dean had gotten it when he’d been clawed by a black dog after Sam’s had missed shooting it with a bow and arrow.   Sam had gotten totally embarrassed when Dean had laid the story on thick about he’d saved his poor defenseless brother from a pack of pitbulls.  The nurses ate it up with a spoon.

Served him right when Dean had told dad that it was his arrow that missed the monster.  Dean had been grounded for a week and missed the senior class trip to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  He got so mad at Sam that he refused to speak to him.  Sam figured it served him right for trying to show off and play Martyr.


“We’ll see,” he said vaguely.  Keeping an eye on the pool games.

“Sam your brother is a big boy.  He won’t fall apart without you.”

“I told Dean we’d watch the Cowboy’s and 49er’s game tonight.”

“I thought you hated football.”

“You said it was pointless and made no sense,” Ava reminded him.  “You think your brother would at least know that about you and take an interest in things you like."

A memory of a soccer field flashed in Sam’s mind.  Dean hated soccer and thought it was boring and complained endlessly about having to take Sam to and from practices.  Their father thought it would be good for Sam to learn teamwork, conditioning and discipline.  He came to every game to once again make sure he embarrassed Sam as a way of punishing his little brother since he had to be there.   He would make those embarrassing whistles and cat calls and tell anyone who would listen, that’s my brother.

His father took him out for pizza and a movie of his choice after they won the game.  Dean, sulking stayed home to polish guns.


“Probably wouldn’t understand any of the stuff you like.  When was the last time you discussed a good book.  You started book club.  It's still going.”

Sam smiled at that.  “Dean’s not much of a reader.”

“Does he know how?” Brian asked and Ava laughed hard.

Sam gave an embarrassed chuckle.  He remembered the weekend Dean tried to visit him at Stanford.  It was the only contact they had.  Sam had told Dean about the book club he’d organized and rather than go out with Sam and his friends Dean had stayed at his place and tried to read Brave New World.  He went with Sam and tried to take part in the discussion, but Sam had gotten embarrassed when someone asked Dean who paper he had read after he made an interesting comment about the themes of the book .  His brother just didn’t fit in and he’d been humiliated when Dean hadn’t denied it.


“Hey, Sam.  You’re brother just cheated out our money,” Drew sounded mad as they joined him at the table.

Sam groaned.  He asked Dean not to hustle.  Was it too hard to follow the simplest of instructions?

During his senior year, Sam had made the debate team.  He had no idea how Dean got that one past their father.  He had wanted to go to the finals but there was no money.  Dean went out hustling one night alone and came back with a two black eyes, a broken nose and a split lip.  The told their dad he lost the money and their father yelled a lot and Dean did a lot of extra PT, gun cleaning and researching.  Sam hadn’t really given it much thought because his teacher told him that he qualified for a special school program that would pay his way to the finals.  Dean had shown up and really embarrassed him with his face all beat up, once again making sure everyone know who Sam was.


“I told him not to hustle.”

“I didn’t,” a voice defended himself.  “Not my fault they just suck at pool.  Next round’s on me.  I’m feeling generous.”  Dean disappeared at the bar.

“No offense Sam but your brothers kind of a dumb ass,” Drew announced the group.

“He beat your ass in pool, didn’t he?” Sam remarked, not sure where that  had come from.

“Are you coming back to school?” Drew asked.

“Yeah, it’s a waste you hanging out with…that,” Eric spat and nodded towards Dean.

“Maybe he’s affecting your intelligence.”

“He doesn’t seem very bright.”

“Who drops out of school?”

It had been just after the school with Dirk the jerk.  Sam couldn’t even remember the name of it anymore.  There had been a special advanced placement class that Sam had wanted to take in preparation for the SAT’s.  It was expensive but their father was such a cheap ass that he made Dean drop out and get a job.  His brother worked some lame ass minimum wage job to pay the bills their father should have been playing.  Good thing there was that scholarship that popped up or he would never have gotten to take the class.


“Seriously Sam, your brother sounds like a waste of space.  Why don’t’ you just ditch him and get your life back on track,” Drew said viciously.

Of course it was that moment that Dean had come back to the table with 6 beers.  “Would God give a waste of space this face?” Dean tried to cover, but Sam could see that Drew’s remarks hurt.

“All beauty, no brains, isn’t that the saying” Ava giggled.

“Okay, I can stay here and be insulted or I can go.  Sam, I’m going back the hotel.  Are you staying or coming?”

“He’s obviously staying, dumbass,” Eric replied.

“Run along and watch your football.”

“See ya, Sam,” Dean replied and he walked out the door, feeling hurt that Sam felt that way about him.

To bad he didn’t see what happened next.


“Thank God, he’s gone,” Eric replied.  “What an embarrassment.”

“Such a deadbeat.  What does he do anyway?” Drew asked.  “Let me guess he’s a panhandler.”

“Probably couldn’t handle much more than that.”

“You’re so lucky we got rid of him for you.”

“He means well but…” Sam started.

“But he always screws  up…”

“Yeah so…” Sam said getting a little mad.  He was starting to realize something.  Dean was always there to embarrass him, and all those scholarships that had suddenly shown up  suddenly seemed too coincidental   to him.  They always showed up when Dean lost money hustling or getting a job.   His money for a down payment to Stanford had been a scholarship as well, and Dean’s autographed Ozzy Osbourne album had gone missing that week.

“You need to get away from him before he completely ruins your life…..”

“Why don’t you all just shut the fuck up!” Sam finally exploded.  “Our dad was a drunk and was away more than he was home.  Dean was always there.  He went to all my soccer games, debates, and plays despite that fact that he hates all that stuff.  He dropped out of school so he could get a job to pay for my classes.  He sold his most prized possession for my down payment for Stanford.  He got me through my first date.  He taught me how to tie my shoes, shave, and tie a tie.  He was always there for me no matter what I needed.  So what if he didn’t get good grades.  He was too busy making sure I did.   Besides he’s probably smarter than all of you assholes put together.   Where were you all when I was crying my eyes out over Jess.  Did sit up all night and play checkers, which he also hates, with me to try and keep my mind occupied.  You all were so caught up in your own narrow minded little world to notice that I was drowning, but Dean he was there just like he always is.   So yeah, I’m embarrassed to be Dean Winchester’s brother because I don’t deserve him.  He’s always been there for me.  He always will be.  Me, I’m going to go watch a boring football game with my big brother and let him embarrass me all he wants because that’s what big brothers do.  So take your fucking comments and shove them all up your asses and go to hell where you all belong.

Sam got up and left the room, never looking back.   He couldn't believe he was ever friends with these dickwads.  He made a brief detour to pick up a six pack, burgers and, of course, lots and lots of pie.  He had some serious groveling to do.

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