I can't believe I'm the only one that does this.

May 09, 2007 12:07

So my grandfather's funeral was yesterday.

So my parents divorced when I was ten. Dad essentially remarried when I was twelve. My step-mother's family welcomed me in with open arms, especially my step-grandmother and step-grandfather (my paternal grandparents having been long since dead).

And the service wasn't especially somber, but I've noticed something about how my head works at these things. I constantly have to modify what I say just before it comes out of my head. For example, someone asked me where I got my formal looking clothes, and I said the Men's Wearhouse. They say, "Oh, wow, well you look great." And my initial response is along the lines of "Yeah, I just tell them not to make me look like a corpse." But I can't say that. I didn't sleep well the night before the service, and my uncle mentioned that. My first impulse was to say "Yeah, I'm dead on my feet."
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