Books Read -- January 2013

Mar 16, 2013 16:12

• Level Up, by Gene Yang. Graphic Novel, YA. 4 stars.
• RASL (Vol. 1-3), by Jeff Smith. Graphic Novel, YA. 4 stars.
• **Hideout, by Gordon Korman. Fiction, Juv. 3 stars. Read ARC.
• **Delusion, by Lauren L. Sullivan. Paranormal, Historical, YA. 3 stars.
• The Evolution of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer Book Two), by Michelle Hodkin. Paranormal, YA. 3 stars.
• The Holy or The Broken: Leonard Cohen, Jeff Buckley, and the Unlikely Ascent of ‘Halleluiah’, by Alan Light. Nonfiction, Adult. 3 stars.
• Paper Valentine, by Brenna Yovanoff. Paranormal, YA. Read eARC from Netgalley. 4 stars.
• The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green. Fiction, YA. 4s stars.
• World War Z, by Max Brooks. Horror, Adult. 3 stars.
• **London Falling, by Paul Cornell. Urban Fantasy, Mystery, Adult. 3 stars.

Best book I read this month: I thought Paper Valentine was Brenna Yovanoff’s best book to date, and it beat out the also great but over-praised The Fault in Our Stars. But then, I will almost always pick reading about ghosts and serial killers over kids with cancer.

Worst book I read this month: None of these books were bad. My worst book is obviously the DNF listed below.

Didn’t finish: Fifty Shades of Grey, by E.L. James. ‘Nough said. For God’s sake, she says “Argh!” when she orgasms.

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