A while back, I entered
Tina Pinson's Kindle giveaway contest to promote her new ebook, In the Manor of the Ghost. And then I forgot about it, mostly because I never win contests. And then I got the e-mail from her saying that I was one of the two Kindle winners!
So, I'm getting a Kindle! It's already in the mail and should arrive tomorrow (when I'm at work, of course -- boo!).
I'm not sure how I feel about ebooks yet -- I'm concerned about the pricing; the digital rights management and the propitiatory formats; the tensions among author, publisher, bookseller, and consumer; what the increase of ebooks means for libraries in general (it won't affect mine for quite a while, as we are very small and have a mostly non-technologically savvy patron base); whether I'll be able to handle the fact that I paid for these books but don't "own" them and am completely dependent on the technology to continue to have access to them; and what it'll be like to read books on a screen. I'm also not sure how to systematize what books I buy in Real Life and what I buy for the Kindle, but I have some ideas about that (and I do need a system, or I will end up buying them both ways like a moron). I would never have paid for a Kindle myself, not just because of the concerns but also because of the price, but now I get it for free, so I can find all of these things out.
I'm so excited!