I received Joshua Palmatier's (
jpsorrow ) Throne trilogy today in the mail. Score! Thanks again to Joshua for donating them as a prize for the
Online Writing Workshop for SF, Fantasy, and Horror contest. I'm excited to read them, but they will have to wait until I can clear out the suddenly huge number of books on my Must Read Now pile (several of which are review books and so, sadly, take precedence). My partner and I are going to Denver next week during my school's Spring Break (I always feel weird saying that, because it sounds like I am in school instead of working in one), to look for condos, so I need to steamroll through my obligations so that I am not trying to write and e-mail reviews in a hotel that charges for wireless access. *shudder* Though at the rate I'm going, that may be my best option -- the books I'm reviewing are good (a couple are really good), and I read them too slowly when they're good. And I take too many notes, regardless of how good they are. Can't get out of the ole grad student mentality, there.
Also, because I didn't have enough work to do (heh), I joined the OWW's Crit Marathon, where participants try to do at least one substantive crit every day from April 1-21. I am on schedule with four in four days, but again, while I am in Denver paying ten bucks a day or whatever it is for wireless, I will probably not use the Internet very much. But I love the OWW so much and have gotten to read so many great stories, that I feel it's still worth it. Unfortunately, I have nothing posted on the workshop right now, so I'm not getting any returns other than glowy good feelings. But I am almost about to get my first bee as a prolific reviewer! Fifty reviews, baby! Seven more to go!
Soon I will post a book review round-up for March, and then be able to post in ernest about stuff I'm reading in April. Much of which will be review books. Ye gods. I've done six reviews for March (okay, three were picture books, so at least the reading time on those was minimal), and I have two YA novels to read right now, and two more adult SF/F coming in the mail. Of course, I enjoy it, otherwise I wouldn't do it, not matter how much I whine about it.
Nothing will get done tonight, however, because we are having a
Battlestar Galactica party to celebrate the return of the best damn show on television. Yes, I know what my priorities are.