Though I was an epic fail at
summerwrite , I decided to sign up for
autumnwrite anyway, to give myself another chance at possibly not failing so miserably. I am going to work on multiple projects, mostly because I don't feel so confident about any one project yet. None of them really have titles (or at least, titles that I like), and all of them I am stuck on one thing or another.
1. My summerwrite project, which is a fantasy set in a world reminiscent of feudal era Japan, but with my own made-up gods and history and so on. There, I am just kind of stuck one my world-building and how my main protagonist fits into the world. I've made him kind of a scholarly con-man who poses as divines of different gods for self-gain (and to upset the balance by poking the gods in the eye, so to speak), but I can't strike the right balance between his personal (and rather serious) vendettas and his light-hearted flippancy. He's supposed to be fun, but not particularly nice. I think my main problem is I haven't sorted out quite yet how the gods relate to each other, to the world, and the systems of worship that people follow -- I have a lot figured out, but not enough yet, and I can't have my main guy wandering around acting as a divine of this or that god if I am not sure about what the divines of each god are supposed to do/what powers they supposedly have, etc. It's fun figuring this stuff out, but it's hard, too. I know a lot about this story (especially once my main guy catches the interest of a certain trickster god who has all but lost his powers after being cast out by the other gods) but not enough about the world, yet, I guess.
2. My Get Backers fan fiction project, which is just for fun because I had a cool idea and wanted to see if I could write fan fiction. I am also using it as a way to explore writing in 3rd person omniscient in some chapters and 3rd person limited, switching between characters each chapter, because that's the kind of thing I need help with.
3. I have a couple ideas for
Apex's Halloween Contest, and I want to write a story for that before the deadline. The limit is 1,000 words, so it won't do much for my autumnwrite word count, but it's a cool contest with an interesting theme (Election Horror).
4. Since you're supposed to start a new project for
NaNoWriMo, in November, I may have to think up another one. Or start rewriting one of my older projects I never finished that just dribbled off in the middle. I have at least one that I could start to rework.
5. I have a couple other short story ideas that I may work on if I get really stuck on anything. There's one idea I really love and have even plotted out somewhat, but I'm not sure it's done germinating yet.
The next couple months will be a free-for-all in terms of what projects I work on as I try to keep up my daily wordcounts. I'm pretty bad at daily word counts, actually, but hope springs eternal and all that shiznet. At least I have a lot of ideas, right? If only the words came as easily as the ideas . . . .