Here it is all fast and furious:
1. I'm going to need upper jaw surgery to correct my painful crossbite.
2. I've already gotten the braces needed for the first stages of correction thanks to the lovely people who have been
giving me money.
3. I need surgery in one year. One year.
4. The surgery involves cutting my upper jaw in three places and my lower jaw in one.
5. It will cost about $15,000 for the surgery with an additional $5,000 in hospital costs for a grand total of $20,000, plus or minus.
6. My insurance people wrote me back that "orthognathic surgery is excluded on your policy." The one I'm paying through my nose for.
7. Because it is excluded in the policy, there is no real way to argue with them further.
8. In short, I don't know how I will pay for this.
9. But I thank everyone for all their support, even through these horrid economical times. It means a lot to me and gives me hope.
I will post my next plan of action when I puzzle it out.