Grades for Spring 09 are posted

Jun 06, 2009 09:39

I didn't do as well this past term. I only passed one class (Spreadsheets), although I did get an A in it. The other two I will have to retake :(
I had so much going on. My youngest daughter had a housing crisis that I decided to rescue her from by letting her come visit with us while her fiance got everything sorted for them. Sounds all good and nice, yes? However I did not take into account her deep and abiding hatred most vile and unwarranted toward her brother. At every opportunity she poked, prodded, and otherwise attempted to provoke violence in my home between her brother and herself. As you might guess, such an atmosphere was not conductive to academic success. Even after she had departed, I was still stunned and horrified by it all for another month.
Then I had to have oral surgery because so many of my teeth had gone bad that I couldn't really eat and was fatigued and nauseous most of the time. I dropped ten pounds.
Then just as the semester was wrapping up, I received the news that my ex-husband from my first marriage is on his death bed and expected to pass over at any time due to more than 90% liver failure. I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop. He's currently in relatively stable condition in a convalescence home, awaiting his big day.
The next term is supposed to start this Monday, and I still haven't ordered my books. Up for my exploration are Environmental Science, Web Design & Programming, and Operations Management. I hope it will be fun and I will learn a lot in my courses.
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