Aug 30, 2008 17:24
This past summer semester was the most grueling and challenging I've had thus far, but I made it through. My grades: an A in Marketing (which I have well learned now is spelled with only one "t"), a C for Principles of Accounting II, and a C for Composition II. I feel I did well, all things considered.
The truck was towed away by the city, we suspect. If this is true, the city has yet to contact me regarding the issue. Needless to say, finding a way to get it repaired is no longer an issue.
During part of the summer I was trapped by dread of the divorce I'd not yet filed at the time. I filed it. The decree was entered. I am now and have been officially single since August 12th. Slowly but surely I am returning to who I was before the marriage, though hopefully at least a little bit wiser. I am enjoying rediscovering who I am.
I purchased a professional tattooing kit and am teaching myself how to tattoo. I know a lot of people in the industry would say to get an apprenticeship but given my full time course load and limited finances, it's really not feasible for me at this point. I did some research into tattooing apprenticeships and discovered that the tattoo industry is so male dominated that any woman in it is thought to have served the most part of her apprenticeship on her knees. Hmmph! Well it won't be going that way for me, I can tell you.
I'm also very much enjoying the break from school. This is the longest break they've allowed me so far. When fall semester starts I will be a Junior. I am debating with myself about whether or not to switch schools. Currently I attend NAU, which specializes in adult learning. As tough as NAU's classes are, I wonder if I could handle taking classes at a more well known university. I think it would look a lot better to get my degree from University of Minnesota. Also, the Business Administration program is interesting in ways, but I'm not sure its the right one for me. On the other hand, it might just be better to stick with it and see it through. It will in all likelihood at least land me in a nice climate controlled office job. Either way, I'll have to make up my mind before too long, I suppose.