[Picspam] August First meander

Aug 03, 2015 10:10

Boy oh boy, it's been a while since there have been photo safaris 'round these parts. Or in general, really. When I went to dump these photos into my photo program, there were pics from last Xmas still on the camera, and the last time I took the camera out *at all* was apparently at the end of May. Yikes! So away we go, recording the Queen City's day-to-day once more.

Grimbracken Flat's front door is well-disguised by day lilies.

The light was pretty amazing.

So was the sky. [A good day for flying, for sure.]

Clarity is important.


I think this is the start of the Art Hop sculpture corridor. Regardless, it's a fantastic crow. I mean, just look at that face.

And those feet!

I absolutely LOVE that the wing feathers are predominately made from blades.

A new feathered friend downtown [painted just this summer].

Everyone wave to the lake!

The car was for sale. I am sorely tempted.

Someone's got to guard the mail...

Extreme tomato close-up!

No really, it's gonna be HUGE.

For some reason, it amuses me that this sunflower profusion is across the street from a cemetery.

He's doing his best, protecting the plants from pests.

Tiger Lilies are some of my very favorite flowers.

The sky is fantastic in mirror-world too.

This little flower's going yay! \o/!

You can't tell from this photo [for some reason, many of these photos are off, color-wise], but these leaves are a purple-green-black. I love the shape of 'em too.

Selfie toes!

All the dramatic clouds!


This entry was originally posted at http://teigh-corvus.dreamwidth.org/797053.html. If possible, I prefer comments there.

queen city pwns all, birdseye view, picspam

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