Home is Where

Jan 06, 2015 12:55

I had one of those conversations with T-Madre last night that remind me why I do, in fact, live two plus states away from her. She lobed a poison barb, that I'm not even sure she knew was toxic. But it was, and it's been great howler monkey fodder, making for bad sleep and all sorts of terrible mental scripts attaching to that hurt, and spewing *their* poison. All of the boo hisses. I said something to my Tiny Officemate, in a general sense, and she was supportive. But her support - and logic - didn't help stop the monkey-go-around.

Then I came onto dreamwidth. And I saw everyone writing up their fan-histories for the Snowflake Challenge, marking all the twisty paths that brought us all to this space. Seeing your stories stopped the Monkeys in their tracks. They didn't know what to do in the face of everyone's fannish love.

Basically, I really love you, gang, and don't know how I ever lose sight of the awesomeness of journaling community. [WOW, I don't like calling it a community. But I think it kind of is one?] Thank you for being here, and for sharing your stories - both personal and fictitious.

*hugs you all*

I don't have the spoons to do the Snowflake Challenge currently - and I still have MANY TOPICS to address for the December meme. But being here is important and necessary, and I wanted to post something *aside* from the continuing Monkey saga. So kinda meme, it is. :)

Since I've been not-so-present, I thought an updated intro might be helpful. Swiping the intro post template from
gorgeousnerd, who got it in turn from this post.

Call me: T./Teigh; Ze/Hir pronouns, please. Will also answer to crow and other blackbird variants.

Other things I've been known as (that I'm willing to share): My birth name - ONLY on facebook and with older IRL friends. [I struggle with my dislike for my birth name, have for as long as I can remember]. I went by crowgirl13 online for a long time - my LJ is still called that - but the diminutive gendering of the name makes me deeply uncomfortable at this juncture. A wide range of pseuds, including a Very Unfortunate Mary Sue one. Most of those pseuds are IRL, with little online spill-over. I collect nicknames with the same inevitability of a single sock collection. Most names I choose - online and IRL, are some combination of T. and 'blackbird', the most common TeighCorbie. That's what I am on 8 tracks and on Twitter [I think - don't spend much time on Twitter]. For ages, I was jackdaws-pocketbook on tumblr; but I lost that name during a holiday name change, and am now qcity-blackbird there. Which is good, because, for all that I was viewing my tumblr as a repository, the blog name *always* becomes your actual name. While I am many things, I am not an inanimate object. Or a jackdaw, for that matter.

A bit about my nonfannish life: I live at Grimbracken Flat, which is in the Queen City, located in the Northlands. I've been living in Grimbracken since the early aughts, and in the Northlands since '98. Prior to that, I lived in the Midlands. I hate the Midlands, but T-Padre, T-Madre and Moose [mah brother] still live there, as do many of my older IRL kith, so I'm forever having to go back. :P My sister,
ravgonfly, lives down Boston-way. I *love* going to visit her - Cambridge/Harvard Square is one of my favorite places in the world.

The bills-paying job is at This Tiny Office, where I do medical billing for a general medicine, multi-practitioner office. It doesn't suck, as far as Diana Prince gigs go, but it doesn't really pay enough.

The important work is creative - art and writing. I am passionate about creative work and self-expression, both my own and other people's creations.

I have a bad brain that I'm struggling to accept [after a lifetime of ignoring the possibility of something being hinky, which led to a bit of a terror roller coaster]. Most recently, I've been working on getting out of a years long bout with moderate-shading-to-severe depression. All systems are go, at that mo', which is a relief.

Been dating a lovely gent, J., for roughly a year now. I have known him since '98. He is a super rad artist, in addition to being a fellow geek and all-around awesome human.

Specific affiliations shall go up in a separate post.

A bit about my fannish life: I love the shiny! I am hardcore polyfannish, though I generally have a main fandom. At this point, Bandom is still the main 'active' fandom, and Marvelverse is my Giant Lurker fandom. Previous big fandoms include: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel, Harry Potter, The Magnificent Seven, Supernatural, Lost. I write, do art [mostly 3D], and make fanmixes. If I had 1)a newer computer and 2)an actual grasp of photoshop, I'd really get into making graphics. I am also a grade-A fannish enabler.

Things I'm super-enthusiastic about J. recently defined my interests as 'wide-ranging, but strangely focused' which is accurate. The interests in my profile are actually a good snapshot of my loves. I LOVE travel, photography, the horror genre, comics, mythology, poetry, making art, writing, the drive-in, dinosaurs, live music, coffeehouses, bookstores... the list is really flippin' long and always getting longer.


I'll get back to the December Meme soon as I can. :)


This entry was originally posted at http://teigh-corvus.dreamwidth.org/779026.html. If possible, I prefer comments there.

me and me, doooom patrol, please allow me to introduce myself, net of stars ftw, the fam

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