Ficlet: All My Cool and Cold [Bandom, MCR]

Apr 02, 2011 21:13

Title: All My Cool and Cold
Fandom: Bandom- My Chemical Romance
Character/s: Bob Bryar, Mikey Way
Disclaimer: While I'm writing about actual people, this isn't true.

A/N: The second in the fanon cliche AU. Cliche used - Mikey Way, social butterfly.


Call Mikey a social butterfly and he will kick your ass. And it won't be an instantaneous throw-down either. Mikey is a sneaky dude; he has the patience to plan. If he'd been a grifter, he'd be perfect for the long con. The poker face helps, of course. Which, Bob supposes, are exactly the sort of skills you have to develop when you've been stuck with butterfly wings from birth.

It's not really accurate to call them butterfly wings. Yeah, they are doubled wings and the hind-wings have longer scalloped edges, like a swallowtail. And they are veined in curved wedges that most closely resemble the wing structure of monarch butterflies. But overall they're shaped like a cross behind butterfly and cicada, with a little standard issue bird thrown in for fun. They can be held tightly against the body, becoming surprisingly compact, like bat wings. And the wings aren't fragile or flimsy - they are at least as tough as skin, and are covered with warm, velvety scales. Not they are scales exactly, but they aren't feathers and Bob can't think of a better way to describe them. Like feathers, they vary in size - from the length of Frank's pinkie nail, to the measure of Ray's hand with his fingers stretched wide. The scales shed, like feathers in molt, when Mikey's unhappy or it’s winter.

After Warped, there were drifts that gathered in the corners of the lounge and in the aisle between the bunks.If accidentally stepped in, they would make the low shirring sound of bone-dry autumn leaves and smelled of lilies and burnt sugar. Brian didn't say anything; he just clenched his jaw and invested in a heavy-duty dust buster.

It doesn't help that the wings carry the scent of whatever flowers are in season. Bob's pretty sure this is why Mikey goes without showers for so long - it can't be fun to smell of honeysuckle in the middle of tour. Gerard skips showers in a show of solidarity. He has greater control over his scents, but he also tends to looks very clean - squeaky clean, almost fluffy and distinctly inhuman, after he bathes. So much so it threatens the sticking power of his glamours. Being sweaty, stinky and all around grubby helps.

Gerard takes after the other side of the family, Donna's side.

The markings shift with the seasons, color wise. Bob's a little jealous of that part, truth be told. Sure, it means that Mikey's wings take on hues of rust and steel when they spend too long in cities AND the bus, but at least he blends. Few things blend less than white fur any time BUT in winter. And besides, Mikey looks good in grey and rust.

When he and Pete were hanging out, the wings bore bands of Grape Ape purple, Popsicle orange, and a matched set of turquoise and peacock green diamonds. The colors should have clashed, should have been eye-searing. But instead they made Mikey shine, as if he was moving within the illumination of his own iridescent, tropical-hued stained glass window. Bob wasn't the only one who had a hard time looking away from Mikeyway that summer.

The wings aren't there all the time. Well, they aren't apparent all the time. Some days are worse than others, and the changing seasons - spring and fall - are the worse. He tends to tuck them away pretty thoroughly - Bob imagines that it's pretty uncomfortable trying to play bass and work around wings. From everything that the rest of the band says, it sounds like Mikey had figured out how to compensate pretty quickly.

"Yeah, it was fucking hilarious in the early days." Frank said, sucking on his cigarette. "He'd get tangled in the strap and would catch a wing tip in the cord and bam!" He clapped his hands, sending ash flying. "Over he'd go. He'd sit there on the ground, blinking and looking so much like an owl..." Frank shook his head, giggling. Bob reads Frank pretty well these days and could see the fondness in his grin. "Mikey fucking Way."

writing: bandom, my chemical shenanigans, my fic

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